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I slam my hand on my alarm clock and slowly get up.
"im up up..."
I look at the clock checking the time 6:30, I let out a sigh and get up from my bed I walk towards the bathroom and twist the door's locked...
" I'm going to be late"
I bang the door while yelling
The door opens and my brother walks out. I get a  whiff of a HORRID smell as my brother walks out with a satisfied smile.
I plug my nose
"What the heck did you do in there?!"
"Sorry, mom made beans last night"
"Next time, before you explode the bathroom let me go in first"
"Okay sis"
﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏×TIME SKIP×﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
"(Y/N)! (Y/C)! Come down stairs!"
I went down stairs and saw my mom
"Hey mom, what's up?"
She hands me a plate of breakfast
"(Y/N) before you go eat something"
"Thanks mom but I can't I have to go I'll miss my bus"
She glares a me not saying a word
"Heh..on second thought I'll take this bread okay?"
She smirks slightly pleased
"Okay...Bye mom see you later!"
"Bye honey, have a great day!"
That was the last I heard before heading out the door. I walked toward the bus stop not looking back.
Once I got to the bus stop there were 2 other people,a guy and a girl. The guy had  brown curly hair the girl had short straight hair. I walked towards the bus stop and put in my head phones.
××××××××××××Time Skip××××××××××××
I walked onto the bus the loud chatter of students filled my ears I soon put my (C/C) headphones in and all noise was gone but I couldn't shake of the feeling that I was being watched...

Okay, Okay I know the probably is going to be some mistakes in here just tell me so I can fix them :)

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