chapter one- juliet

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Dedicated to Frozen_Yogurt_


"Look who it is," Monica snickered as Jessica sashayed down the hallway with her five little minions behind her, worshipping and following her around like she created the Earth herself. Oh, please.

"Just let her be, M." I sighed, slamming the old, creaky locker shut. Seriously, these lockers are probably older than our great grandparents, because it's making creaky noises and the red paint is chipping off, exposing the silver metal underneath it.

If only people's looks aren't so cunning.

"I still don't know why Dean dated her." My best friend glared darkly past me, to my sister from twenty yards away. Dean, Mon's childhood crush since 6th grade hasn't faded away just yet and we're already seniors here at Westview High School. She's got a lot of patience to wait for something she really wanted for a long time, which is something I'll never be.

Anyways, Dean and Jessica dated just a couple weeks ago and apparently, they've broken up because my sister cheated on him. Surprise, surprise. My sister and I aren't very close, but I do live in the same roof as her. I know what she's capable of doing; to break countless amount of hearts and steal something people care about.

"Well, at least they broke up." I tried to comfort her. My eyes followed to my sister's direction and watched as she throws her head back laughing as a crowd huddles around her, making her the center of the attention. Again, it's nothing new.

From the distance, I wondered what it's like to have her life. I mean, I've always thought about what I would've turned out to be like if I was the prettier twin instead. Would I break hearts back and forth? Would people care about what I wear or what my hair looks like? Would I become that girl who sleeps with guys thoughtlessly and tosses self-respect around like a disposable object?

Would people finally notice me?

"How did you share the same womb? I mean look at her and look" Although Mon hadn't meant to be rude, I felt slightly offended.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I blinked at her. "It's not like I don't hear that enough," I muttered low enough to not be inaudible.

"I didn't mean it that way. What I meant to say you guys are so different. Completely opposites. It's so hard to believe that you guys are sisters."

Jess and I are fraternal twins. My older twin was blessed with our dad's genes. She has those killer ocean-blue eyes I've always envy, soft, wavy blonde hair that reminds me of Rapunzel's, and a curvy figure I'd always kill for. All guys wanted her and all girls wanted to be here including me. 

And what do I look like, you ask?

While my gorgeous sister is basically the Gigi Hadid of our school, I look like a Darth Vader next to her. I inherited my mom's side' features, and I don't know why I don't look anything like her. My mom and twin are both beautiful, and I'm being truthful when I say that I feel like I'm the ugly one of our family. Meanwhile, I have poop colored eyes, straight brunette hair that I don't even need to use a straightener which I'm glad for, and a body of a 12-year-old boy who hasn't even hit puberty. Yep. 

"Believe me, I know."


"See ya after class, Jules." Mon embraced me shortly before she took off to her next period.

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