Chapter Two.

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All images aren't mine. Just edited.

After seven years, eight foster families, three hospitalized panic attacks and one car crash, turns out Marianas isn’t done with me yet. I’m her challenge. Get me settled before I’ve turned eighteen and she’s done her job. My first interview was two weeks after I’d been returned. They seemed nice; she was a forty year old lawyer, with a bust ovary, and he was a postman. They were nice, they however didn’t want me. They interviewed me and took blonde suicide girl. I was happy for Blondie, she deserved a happy life and once again 124 was free.

I sprawled across the couch in the ‘leisure’ room, with my feet up and a cigarette in my hand. A girl in the corner tutted, and a scrawny thirteen year old in the corner dropped her cup.  Summer entered a few seconds later. Her face was heavily made up as usual and her auburn hair fell in glamorous waves. From a distance she looked normal.

“Mia. Miss Marianas wants you.” I stood up and walked over, there were tear streaks down her face. Crap.

“Are they good?” I asked as we fell into a walk.

“They asked for her worst case. They’ve been to three orphanages in the past decade, took in the worst, they’re know accountants, lawyers and a nurse. They’re good Mia.” Summer’s voice was laced with panic.

“Oi, Summer, I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be back I promise.” I touched her arm softly, and she sniffed. We stood for a moment before gripping my shoulders and pressing her lips to mine. 

“Good Luck.” I sighed and wiped my hands on my pants.

“Mia. Meet the Field’s.”


The Fields were fucking perfect. The mother was called Maria, she was a graphic designer and the father called Dean and he was a Librarian, they had one daughter a girl at 16. They were too perfect, and for some reason they wanted me as soon as they clapped their eyes on me.

“I’m Maria, this is Dean, and we’re your new foster parents!” They grinned; Maria’s little honey pigtails bounced behind her bandana. He had neck length black hair and light stubble. Winifred smirked from behind them; I shot her a glare and faked a smile to the couple. Maria’s face fell a little at the smile.

“Mia lost her parents seven years ago in a burglary; she’s been in and out of here for the past seven years.” Winnie explained placing my file in front of them.

“You know if you want our worst case, I would say murder girl or Summer.” I muttered leaning back in my chair.

“’Murder Girl’ is no stable enough and Summer won’t last the drive home, Mia. You of all people should know this.” Winnie snapped back. The words hurt. We both knew Summer didn’t have long, didn’t need to voice it to my future Prison guards, hell they might even try and talk to me about it. I shuddered.

“Anyway Mia, you’ll love our daughter. Her name’s Aubrey and she’s your age, she goes to the local school, which we’ll be enrolling you at and well let’s get you home.” Maria grinned. I groaned knocked my head back.

“Fine but, you should know, I’m a smoker.” I said raising an eyebrow as Winnie growled.


They lived in a three bedroomed house; it had a pool, a study and two bathrooms. I hitched my bag higher up on my shoulder as I stepped out the car. I could see how I looked to the neighbours and the surroundings. Lace on leather under a torn military jacket covered in cigarette burns and tears, brown hair on bruised skin and a cigarette already  between my lips.

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