Chapter One : The Acceptance Letter

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Emma's P.O.V
At last, the day I was waiting most for arrived. I just woke when my dear snowy owl, Arlonuim, came flying from downstairs, with a letter in it's beak. It dropped it direct on my head. I quickly picked it up and looked at it. A blue seal was representing a Thunderbird, a Pukwudgie, a Horned-Serpent and a Wampus surrounding the letter ' I '. My heart skipped a beat. Is this really happening? I quickly turned it to see the letter address saying:
Emma Black,
The Black Manor,
Pevensie's Place,
-Dallas, America
I quickly turned it again and tore the beautiful seal off. I looked inside, there were two parchments and a hard kind of Non-Maj paper inside. I picked the widest one and read:
Dear Miss Emma Black,
You are invited to Ilvermony School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry as a first year student. Please confirm your acceptance by sending us a thankyou owl before 31st August. First Year requirment list is included, which you can purchase easily from Diagon Alley. Other major notifications will be send by the same owl so make sure you do not ignore it. You are reminded that you need to arrive at GreyLock mountain by Ilvermony Express at 12 o'clock which will be taking students from platform Five And Three Quarters- Grand Central Station of New-York. Your ticket is included.
Deputy Headmistress,
Katherine Mattock

"Wow, so we even don't have to buy a ticket!", I said to myself. Then I took out the longest piece of parchment and read:

Chadwick's Charms Vol One for Charms
Defence Against Dark Arts: Self-Protection from Dark Spells for Defence Against Dark Arts
Stories Untold : ILvermony's Histroy for Histroy Of Magic
The Seer's Guide : Volume One for Divination
Fast Flying Grade One for Flying
Potionatic Guide : The First Book for Potions
One Hundred Herbs And Fungi for Herbology
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them for Beastology

- A set of three plain cranberry blue work robes
- A blue winter cloak
- A pair of Dragon-Hide or similar protective gloves.

Cauldron (Pewter, St. size 2)
Crystal Phials
Crystal Ball
Brass Scales

NOTE : Broomstick and Wand will be provided by school for first years - No need to buy them. Students CAN bring an owl, other pets are not allowed till fourth year.

"This year is going to be exciting!" I again told to myself while admiring the ticket. After reading every single word carefully again, I put the letter on my bedside table. I dressed in my favourite blue shirt saying "Let the waves flow" and my denim skirts with it. I brushed my wavy blonde hair and wore a matching head-bend.
After giving Arlonuim some Owl Treats, I went down in dining room for breakfast. Mum was already there, not eating anything, perhaps waiting for us. Ella was there too, she's my three year elder sister, reading the latest issue of Witch Weekly. Only one who's missing was my twin sister Emerald. She's nothing like me, nobody believes we are twins. She got black straight hair while I got blonde wavy, she got emerald eyes while I got blue, she got natural pink lips while mines are light red. We are, in so many ways, different from each other, but still we love each other. We always play together and she always share her secrets with me, and I share with her.

"Good Morning Mom!" I said as I took my seat beside her.

"Good morning, dear." She smiled at me as I added some bacon in my plate.

"Good morning to you too, Emma", Ella said, disappointingly.

"Good morning" I replied to her."Mum, I got the letter, the acceptance letter! Ilvermony, mum!"

"Ah, that's very good." My mum said while Ella muttered, "Only Ilvermony?"

"You got Beauxbatons letter that doesn't mean you treat me like a baby, Ella." I snapped.

"Not only Beauxbatons, Emma, Hogwarts and Ilvermoy invited me too." She said coldly.

"I don't care, Duhh..." I told her before filling my mouth with bacon.

"Mum," She turned to mom. "I want to change my school. I want to go to Hogwarts."

"Are you stupid, Ella?" I told her. Beauxbatons was the best school ever. Ella ignored me and continue reading the magazine.

"I told you, Ella, that choose your school carefully. It'll be your future. What's the problem?" She asked her politely.

"Its hard, hard to live in France. They all talk in French and its bloody hard to learn it. I tried many times, but their culture and language, harder then I thought. Fleur, my best friend, also find it hard to talk to me in English. Everything exept classes are in French."

"So?" My mum asked.

"I wrote to the headmistress yesterday, she says I can join from fourth year if I want to. So, you know, I want to go to Hogwarts."

"But what if their British accent will be hard for you too, Ella?"

"But it'll still be English, anyways."

"Alright, we'll buy your books and robes today when we go shopping for Emerald and Emma. You already have wand and things, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Alright then, write to Hogwarts that you'll be joining them this year.'

"Okay, thanks mum."

I was stunned by their conversation, Ella chose Hogwarts instead of Ilvermony. She's so stupid in decisions, I thought. Suddenly I heard footsteps and Emerald came in sight, wearing a high pony-tail which never suits her.

"Morning mum." She said.

"Morning, Emerald." Mum replied.

"Emerald! I got my letter of Ilvermony!" I shrieked when she took seat between me and Ella.

"I got mine too. Hogwarts and Ilvermony." She told calmly as she helped herself with toast.

"Really? I should get 'em too." I told and stuffed my mouth again.

"Ignore Emma and look at this." Ella handed Emerald the opened page of Witch Weekly. She must be showing her some new dress, again. I was not actually interested in closet-filling-items, so I never bothered to take a look.

"Only 200 Galleons!" Ella told her. They both conversated about the dress which I didn't listen to, after it mum said, " So, which school you'll be going to, Emerald?"

"Er...I don't know." She told nervously.

"Choose Ilvermony."I whispered to her.

"Well, then decide before twelve, we'll go to get stuff for your year."

"Mum, help me decide." She said, still nervously.

"Which school is better to you, Emerald?"

"Hogwarts, I guess. Yeah, Hogwarts, but Ilvermony's not bad either."

"Think again, dear." My mum said.

"I-I'll tell you before twelve." She told miserably and went out of our room.

"What's up with her?" I said after she was gone.

"That exactly happened with me, choosing the school, hard job. You won't understand, Emma." She said as I clenched my hands. She grinned and, too, went out of sight.

"So, Emma, I'm going to told the elves their job. I'll meet you later at twelve, don't get late." Mum said.

"Alrighty, I'm calling Aurelia, Arabella and whoever is free. We'll play quidditch." I told her my plans and rushed to second floor, to call Emerald to play with us. Then we both went to neighbor houses and called our neighbor friends.

At exact twelve, we went to Diagon Alley by floo powder. We bought our supplies (Emerald chose Hogwarts at last, and I'm not talking to her because of her foolish act,) and returned to our home after lunch out.

Now, I was waiting impatiently for 1st September.........

A/N: The picture i chose for this chapter, you might think, is ir-revelant. Then for your answer, it's not. I have written that Emma goes to shopping and bought her uniform. That's what the uniform of Ilvermony looks like. Anyways, i'm sure you liked it. It's up to you if you want to comment or not, if you will, i'll be happy.
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