Chapter Two: The Ilvermorny Express

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Emma's P.O.V

"Alright, dearie. Run straight in between, and you'll be there." Mum told me for nearly fifth time from we left the house. She kept telling me about different things, so i wouldn't feel lonely as Emerald wasn't with me. I and Emerald were not talking to each other since she chose Hogwarts instead of Ilvermony. Today, earlier, I barked at her that mom is tensed because of her. It wasn't a complete truth, but at least it wasn't a complete lie. When I saw that the fight didn't made us up, before leaving, I hugged her tight and said that I would miss her. I know that we usually taunt and tease each other, but we still love each other and can't live without each other. Well, everything was okay now, and we are on Grand Central Station right now.

I closed my eyes and half-run into the platform. I expected a crash, but it never came. I felt relief as I saw the Ilvermony Express, blue and cran-berry coloured train. Mum was just behind me.

"Well done. Now, listen here." She started, once again. "I want straight O's in all of your results. You must be learning everything by heart. Practice wand-movements in free-times, go through your notes before sleeping, go to library whenever you feel bored and be the best student this school have ever seen. That's an order. Owl me immediately after you are sorted, or before sleeping. Tell me everything about the sorting and everything about everything. Then, owl me weekly, telling me about how the week is spend, the lesson plans, what's your average, how are people behaving with you, also, attach a copy of syallabus of this term. Now, I hope you have understood. Haven't you?"

I looked at her plainly, and then said, "Can I go now?" Mum smiled at my question, before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'll miss you, my girl. Have a nice time." She said, only making the hug tighter. I hugged her back before she let go of me.

"Bye mom. I'll be coming home for Christmas, so send me the tickets via owl." I said to mum.

"I will. Good-bye dear, have a brilliant time!" She said as I half-ran towards the train.

I glanced at her before waving at her and turning to go inside the train. As I moved in, I heard loads of voices of children. Some excited, some nervous. I saw loads of compartment doors. I slid open the first and entered it. No one was sitting there.

I quietly sat beside the window after putting my trunk on the 'Trunk Section' above the seats. I sighed as I looked out of the train. My mom was gone, she disaparated to Black Manor. We came to station with the Knight Bus, because mum says it's dangerous to aparate with kids, they can leave their parts of body behind.

I was just thinking about how it would be if I will aparate when the door slid open.

" I just told him to- "


Two girls have entered the compartment, but one tripped and fall down. The girl, who fell down, had beautiful yet weird pastel pink hair. The other who entered with her had chocolate hair and was holding a book. Both girls were wearing their robes.

"Sorry." The pink-headed stood up and brushed the dirt of her robes, even if there wasn't any dirt on the floor. She came and sat across me, the chocolate-headed beside her.

"I'm Cerise Blackmore." The chocolate-headed said, with a sweet smile on her face.

"And I'm Angela Learson. You are?" The pink-headed asked.

"I'm Emma Black. Nice to meet you, Angela and Cerise."

"Nice to meet you too, Emma. Er, can I ask you something?" Angela asked, looking weirdly at my hair. I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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