Chapter 10

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Robyn's POV:

Suddenly, I opened my eyes to see a bright light and people standing around me.

"OMI! Robyn! You're awake!" a girl with medium length brown hair yelled, hugging me.

"Um... who are you?" I asked, confused. "And where's Travis? Travis Valcrum?"

"You mean... you don't remember me? Your best friend? Kat?" she questioned. "Wait... how do you know Travis? You're not even in the Aphmau fandom!"

"What's a fandom?" I asked her, very confused.

She sighed.

"I'll explain that later, but first," she said, pulling out her phone and tapping the screen, "is this what Travis looked like?"

She showed me the picture and I nodded my head.

The picture was in a cartoonish style, but it still had his emerald green eyes and his snow white hair.

"I still have no idea how you know who he is though," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still confused.

"Well, you see, he's a character from a Minecraft roleplay." she says calmly, pulling up a page on her phone that shows a blocky looking picture of Travis. "And as far as I know, you never watched the series. I had been trying to get you to, and we were going to, but..." she trailed off.

She sighed.

"It was a Friday in mid-September. We were planning on having a sleepover that night." she explained. "You texted me, saying that you were going to walk over to my house with your stuff. About 5 or 6 minutes after I got the text, I got a call from your phone."

She took a breath before continuing.

"You had been walking in the road, while looking at your phone, and weren't paying attention to your surroundings," she continued. "Someone had hit you with their car. After calling an ambulance. They saw your phone on the ground and called the most recently called person, which was me."

She took in a sharp breath.


"But back to the Travis thing..." she said, starting to pace around the room.

"I got it!" she exclaimed, stopping and snapping her fingers. "I'll ask the guys on Discord!"

She took out her phone once again and opened another app. She typed for a little before sending a message.

"Hopefully someone will actually join..." she started, before getting cut off by a 'ding' noise.

"Hoi, Kat! Why did you need us all on VC as soon as possible?" a boy's voice said.

Soon more 'dings' were heard.

"Thank Irene you're all here!:" Kat said. "Robyn, say hi."

"Umm... hi?" I said.

"Wait... Robyn woke up?!" a girl screamed.

"Yes, AK. But she has amnesia."

"What?!" the boy said dramatically.

"You heard me Sonny," she answered, "but she somehow knows about Travis Valcrum somehow."

"Didn't you say you never got to introduce her to Aph's videos?" Ak asked.

"Yup, that's right. Which is why I need your help," she continued. "Robyn doesn't know about shipping or fandoms now."

"Have her watch Aph's series' then," says a very familiar voice.

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