Moanin' // Chapter 2

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"So, do you like jazz?" Kaoru had questioned me. I  noticed that he had been eyeing my saxophone case for a while. He caught my attention. My (E/C) orbs settled on the taller male whom gazed down at me expectantly.

"Yup!" I cheerfully say out of nervousness, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "Jazz is my thing and that's kinda why I'm here. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, you see I have this—" We had finally arrived at the main office and the other curled his slender fingers around the doorknob, twisting the door open. "Sentaro?! What are you doing here!"

A man whom was now identified as Sentaro was a delinquent by  my guess. He was tall male whom had a crossed scar underneath his caramel eye. He wore a bored expression before a smirk adorned his thin lips. Sen removed his feet that were kicked up in the desk. "Richie!" His voice slightly startled me, seeming gruff and loud. Very loud.

"Sentaro!" The girl who intended to give me a tour was there as well? Very odd. She didn't seem like the type to engage in trouble.

Sen walked over to Kaoru and locked an arm around his neck before turning to face me. "Rikko! Richie! Who's that?"

'Richie' used his index finger to adjust his thickly rimmed glasses on the bridge of his sharp nose. He then cleared his throat. "This is (F/N) (L/N). She is new and plays the saxophone."

"The saxophone huh?" Sentaro blinked, sitting there looking dumbfounded for a second.

I simply blinked for a moment, trying to take it in before nodding gently. "Yes.."

"Cool!" Sentaro exclaimed before pulling everyone into a group hug, going to drag us somewhere, supposedly lunch. I simply blushed as I was squished near Kaoru. I didn't understand why but..he interested me.


With a yawn, All four of us began taking off towards our homes. I found myself gazing at Kaoru whom was currently in a head lock by the taller guy.


The same feminine voice called to me once more and made me flinch slightly, turning to face Ritsuko. "Er..yes?" I replied shyly, not really used to having much social skills.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit spaced out." She mentioned and I felt my cheeks begin to burn. I quickly shaked my head in denial. "N-No, I'm alright."

"Hey, (F/N)." Sentaro made his way to me and rested his arm lightly on my head. "How about you come do a session? You could show us what ya got."

Kaoru quickly ran over to the taller male with his brows furrowed in frustration. "Don't go forcing her.." He warned and I nodded. "I'll go. I do have some skills after all~"

I was brought to what was seemed to be a record shop. I blinked as we entered inside the semi spacious store that had records neatly shelved in correct order. "This is my father's record shop. The basement is where Sen and Kaoru play. That's my father."

She pointed to a man whom wore a really blunt look on his face and I quickly bowed respectfully. "My name is (F/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." I peered up with a nervous smile cracking at my curved lips.

"Who's that?" Ritsuko's father reclined his head to face his daughter whom wore a cheerful grin. "Our new friend. She can play the saxophone and just moved here today."

The lips curved into a smile on the father's face. "Sounds good." He responded, making me lighten up in the slightest. "How about you let me listen later?"

I promised him I would eventually and sooner than I thought, I was walking down a flight of stairs that led to a room. I paused with a skeptical look. "..." What is this..?

I walked down and my eyes widened in awe once I noticed a neatly kept piano and a stunningly polished drumset. The two boys scrambled toward their instruments of choice : Sentaro was on drums and Kaoru on the piano.

"How about showin' us whatcha got there, rookie?" Sen mentioned as he sat down at his seat near his drums before looking at me with a slight smirk.

I regained my breath before nodding gently, nervously tracing the opening on my case. I'm nervous. So nervous. I've never played in front of an audience but even so..if I'm going to play. I'll do it right.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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