Chapter one

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Makas POV

"Dad! Where did you put my box of books?" I yelled to him.

"Probably still in the truck, darling" he yelled back.

   I shivered. I HATE when he calls me darling. I walk out to the truck and grab them. I'm about to walk in when I see my window has a ledge under it that is almost conjoined to our neighbor's house. I shrugged and headed back up to my room.
   The windows in my room were open since it was still summer. The breeze cooling my room slightly. I started unpacking my books when I heard something. I heard some yelling to me.

"Hey pigtails!" The person yelled.

I looked out the window to the neighbor's window. There was a boy there with white hair.

"Hey you" he said.

"Um..hi?" I said.

"You guys are the new neighbors I'm guessing?" He said.

I nodded.

"Well I'm Soul and you are?"

"I'm Maka nice to meet you"

"Hey also my mom said she's bringing a pie over later as a welcoming thing so just fyi"

"Thanks Soul"


It happened on the rooftop (a SoMa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now