Chapter Four

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Project Travel
Entry  [detracted]
Dr. W.D. Gaster

I have changed the plans for the machine. The new design I'd a large portal instead of a gauntlet to be worn on the arm. This should reduce the risk of death from traveling because the portal is more stable than the gauntlet was. I have called this new machine Khaskov.

если это окажется успешным, я может получить неограниченную власть и эти дураки будут преклоняться перед мной

I have also been working on replacements for my workers I have created S class security androids to patrol the complex and I am working on a more advanced android to be my personal assistant. My new assistant I will call Exo. I have a failsafe in case of emergency concerning the androids they can all be simultaneously deactivated remotely.
It is risky and in extremely early stages but I am developing an A.I to procede Exo. It will be directly linked to most of the facilities systems excluding weapons and door systems. The working name for this A.I is Rasputin.  

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