A Love Story

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They were always together. They have been best friends for a long time and then they to become a couple. But he needed to move in another country with his family. He always asked his parents if he could go and see her but they would always answer he should work and get money if he wanted to see her. He tried. He tried really hard. But it never worked. Every time he went for a job interview they would tell him he didn't fit the standards, just because he wasn't from the good country. He finally found a job. He had to clean dishes for a buffet restaurant. It worked. He was gaining money. But when his parents found out, they took his money to pay bills. He continued to work harder and harder and he got another job. He helped an old lady to take care of her house. He got a little more money but at this pace he would see her in ten years. He talked to her everyday, saying how much he loved her and she would respond by saying how much she want to see him soon. They really missed each other but they couldn't do anything to see each other. Their love was the kind of love you would be jealous of. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. They worked their long distance relationship pretty well. The reason to this was how in love they were. He continued to work harder to see her again. His friends somehow got involved and they started to work so he could see her sooner. At this rhythm, in two months he would be able to hold her in his arms again. They worked hard, really hard to get there, but he finally got the plane tickets. He was going to see her. They were both excited. They could live a real couple life when he'll get there. His flight got called at his airport. She was too excited she was already at the airport where he'll land. He got in the plane sending a last text to her saying he's getting in and needed to close his phone. He told her he loved her. She answered back but he had already closed his phone. It doesn't matter to either of them because they'll see each other in less than five hours. The plane flew off. He was going to see her. He was too excited to sleep. They were high in the sky. He could almost feel the clouds outside the plane. Turbulence started to shake the plane. The pilot made a message to tell the passengers they lost control. He looked out the window and saw fields. They were crashing. The plane was falling. Faster and faster. It wouldn't stop. The ground came closer and closer until it reached his unwanted destination. His dead corpse laid on the field with all the other passengers of the plane. She was still waiting. Waiting for someone who will never show up.

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