she's like the sunshine

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Jeno's mother was beyond worried when the young maid wasn't in the dining hall. She had planned to allow her to sit with them and enjoy a meal that wasn't just bread and water—Mijoo's regular meal.

She had sent a maid to go to a nearby village at the bottom of the hill for the special feast for Mijoo. When the maid was walking toward the village, she discovered the deformed corpse. She immediately recognized the fair maiden, quickly running to inform the royal family.

The queen was devasted and demanded a funeral for the deceased lady. She sadly placed a rose on her grave. The coffin, that was now covered in the dirt, had dozens of roses placed upon it. The queen had a strong liking with Mijoo, so strong that she wanted her to be apart of the family.

She talked to everyone in the castle for any information regarding the cause of her death. The soldiers, maids, she even asked the jesters, but no one knew anything until she asked her son.

Jeno guiltily told her everything that happened before he walked away from her on the hill. "She confessed her love to me, but I couldn't accept them because I'm supposed to be married. It would be disrespectful and wrong if I married someone else that wasn't the person whom I had accepted their feelings." Her facial expression softened when he said that he declined her feelings because he was already engaged. His parents never told who he was marrying.

"You weren't supposed to marry a princess," she paused to take a shaky breath, "you were supposed to marry Moon Mijoo."

She's Like a Swallow - Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now