Chapter 4: Pumpkin Spiced Crap

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//Dean POV//

After several days of being ill I was back to school, with a month of school flying by faster than I anticipated. Because the school year for our district began after labor day it was already October, causing every store to bring out their festive and Halloween-y crap, including pumpkin spiced lattes. I had never understood the satisfaction of anything pumpkin spiced but the entirety of America seemed to crave it every year. This, sadly, included nearly every other teacher at Truman Elementary.

Pulling up to the school just a few short minutes after exiting my house, I stepped out of the car, a bag containing plain coffee creamer in my free hand as the other hand carried my school bag. Upon entering the school I noticed the dozens of Halloween decorations, ranging from paper cut-outs of cats and witches to plastic pumpkins scattered across the floors. Sighing at the abundance of neon orange images staring back at me, I made my way to my classroom to drop off my bag before heading to the teacher's lounge.

"Dean," Cas said from the doorway to my classroom, a smile on his face. Over the course of just a month Cas and I had spent more and more time together, getting to know one another and discovering an increasing amount of similarities. My feelings had slowly begun to shift from friendship to something more, though, deep down, I knew and had to accept that nothing could come of it. Besides, when had anything worked out great for a Winchester?

"Hey, Cas," I replied, wearing a smile of my own as I stared at the counselor before me. His hair, usually neat and parted to the side, was disheveled and spiked slightly, with his trench coat hanging from his arm rather than worn on his body. The two of us then began to walk to the teacher's lounge together, side by side, the bag of coffee creamer held in my left hand, leaving my right hand open as it swung forwards and backwards between our bodies.

"What's in the bag?" Cas asked as he motioned to the creamer bag, our hands brushing together slightly as he moved his.

"Plain old vanilla coffee creamer. I've never enjoyed pumpkin spice, especially when it's shoved down my throat everywhere I go, so I suppose this is my pumpkin rebellion." We both laughed slightly, nearing the lounge.

"I get it, everyone in my family, especially my sister, Anna, loved that stuff. Mind if I steal some?" Cas asked, the two of us stopping for a moment before entering the room.

"Don't mind at all," I said as we entered the lounge. Lisa and another teacher, Ruby, were busy hanging pumpkin decorations and orange tinsel on the walls and windows, laughing at something one of them had said. Not in here, too, I thought as they finished up the decorating, wanting to gag at the thought of even more decorations. I already had to deal with a jack-o-lantern staring at me while using the teacher's restroom. Cas just ignored them and poured himself some coffee. I walked over and placed my creamer on the counter next to the brand new bottle of pumpkin spice creamer.

"Morning, boys," Ruby said with a wolfish smirk, her eyes shifting between Cas and me.

"It's barely even October yet. And why tinsel?" I asked, the question directed more for Lisa, seeing as she understood my trouble with most holidays.

"You've got to get in the spirit sometime," Lisa said, joining all of us at the counter. I turned to Cas for support but he just shrugged and walked over to the table and chairs.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. Whatever. I'll get in the spirit when I've had my coffee," I said, glaring at the coffee pot and pouring some into my travel mug. I dumped in my creamer and stirred, too tired to give a crap about the tinsel anymore. Ruby scoffed and walked out of the lounge.

"So, Mr. Winchester," Lisa said, giggling as she leaned against the countertop. "How are things? You know, with..." Lisa nodded her head slightly to Castiel, the counselor sitting in a chair and staring into the ripples of coffee within his mug.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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