Double Wedding!!!

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At the mall looking for wedding dresses
Riley:This is amazing
Maya:I want that one
Riley:What should I get for my wedding
Maya:I don't know
Riley:We should have a double wedding
Riley:Do you hear the song
Maya:Yeah I love this song
The song is 👇🏻

Riley:That song was amazing
Maya:Not amazing as this one
Riley:Hey it our song Take on the world
Maya:Yeah btw we should call the buys and tell them about the double wedding
On the phone with the boys
Lucas:Hey Maya and Riley
Maya:We were thinking about a double wedding
Farkle:I was thinking the same thing
Riley:ok then it's set
Lucas:Remember we have 3 days left
Off the phone
Riley:Uhh we should do a blue color
Maya:I prefer purple and black dress
Riley:I know you should do purple and black and I will do blue and black
Riley:I know this store we can go to but we have to tomorrow it is not open today
Maya:Ok sure lets go find some smoothie place I am thirsty
Riley:Let's go to Starbucks instead
Maya:Yeah I will get a frappé
Riley:Me too lets go
At Starbucks
Riley:What do you want
Maya:I'll take a s'mores frappe
Riley:Me too
Lady:Ok that will be 5 dollars
Maya:Here you go
Lady:Thank you
Missy:Hello girls are you gonna look fat at my wedding
Maya:What wedding you little
Riley:Maya let me handle this
Missy:I am having a wedding with Lucas the same day you are but your not hah bye
Maya:I hate YOU
Riley:It's ok Maya
Maya:Thanks Riley
They got there frappe and left
At Maya's house
Riley:hey boys
Riley:OMG this can not happen to me
Maya:I will go call the police
What happened why are they acting like this well you have to find out next btw the contest already has a winner sorry

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