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Hi guys!! I'm Natalie and I would like to thank everyone who has even clicked on this book, I love you all💗
date posted: 10/15/16
**this takes place during season 4 when Carl, Rick and Michonne live in the woods together after the prison was overrun.
Carl's pov:
"How hungry are you on a scale of 1 to 10?" Dad asked Michonne and I.
"15," I said.
"28," Michonne answered.
Dad chuckled. "Yeah, well, it's been a while," he said smiling, "I'm going to go check on the snares."
"Can I go with you?" I asked eagerly.
"Sure, hey, you come too," he said gesturing towards Michonne.
We had reached the spot where the trap was.
"So this is just the simple slipknot. Tie one on both ends, then you tighten one side to a--" "HELP, SOMEONE HELP ME!!"
I started sprinting towards the person screaming until I noticed there were over 100 walkers surrounding him. The man screaming "help" was being eaten alive, there was no way out. I felt my dad grab my shoulder taking me away from the walkers before they saw us. My dad started running ahead with Michonne as I sprinted to catch up... until we came to a halt. Now, over 200 walkers were surrounding us. The walkers started inching closer to us, growling and snarling with there arms out. Michonne and my dad started killing them, but we were still out numbered. They were getting too close to me, my dad screamed, "Run Carl, run! Hide somewhere and stay there until we find you!" I didn't waste another second, I sprinted until I could barely breathe. I stopped to take a break, seeing that the walkers were out of sight. I leaned against a tree, figuring out where to go next, but all of a sudden I felt a strong grip on my shoulder, forcefully turning me around, shoving me against the tree. A girl, my age, had one hand grasped tightly on my shoulder while her other hand was holding a gun to my head.
"Give me the gun," she ordered me sternly.

Sorry that was so short but I hope ya'll like it!!💗✨

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