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Ben J

Connor : BEN

Troye : no, Connor. don't get excited until he explains

Ben : Troye

Troye : no. explain.

Ben : troye

Troye : explain.

Ben : i came out to my family

Connor : and?

Ben : they didn't accept me.

Troye : ben

Ben : they're treating me like actual trash. none of my family mentions my name, my parents don't make enough food for me, they send me awful glares. out in public they walk far ahead of me just so they don't be seen with me, my entire family calls me a fag.

Ben : my parents told me that i'm not their son. they told me that they want me out as soon as possible.

Ben : they don't care if i'm sneaking out, or out getting drunk, or dying in a freaking car wreck. they don't care about me anymore, and they've made that very clear with their words and actions.

Ben : a lot's just been going through my head and a lot of emotions and i've just kinda just been secluded from everything and everyone, including you two. so when y'all texted me, i accidentally just let all my angry emotions out on y'all.

Connor : it's okay. it's gonna be okay. they don't deserve a son like you, Ben. you deserve better parents. those people are not your parents. i don't care if they gave birth to you, they aren't your parents. a good parent would still love you and accept you for who you are, not treat you like that.

Ben : thanks con.

Troye : idk who these people are, but i will fight them if they do anything more to my little Ben. i will fly out to Texas and ducking fight them

Troye : i'm literally not kidding.

Troye : i will fly out to Texas and argue and stand up for you

Ben : thanks Troye.

Troye : do you want me to do it?

Ben : no. i think i can handle it a little longer. i'm starting to look at jobs so i can get money for an apartment away from my family.

Troye : stop referring to them as your family.

Ben : what?

Troye : if they aren't referring to you as family, don't refer to them as family either. they aren't your family.

Troye : i mean, yes you have the same blood and all, but family sticks with each other no matter what. they stay with each other. they help each other. they accept each other and all of their so called "flaws". if you don't necessarily like something about someone in your family, then you don't just drop them and forget that they ever were. that's not what family does! your so called "family" isn't acting as a family! the rest of them might now, but they just left you and treated you terribly. that's not what family does.

Connor : hell, Ben. if they aren't acting as your family, then just choose your own family and keep on kissing.

Troye : ^yeah. we are our chosen family. keep on kissing, Ben.

Ben : thanks guys

Connor : anything for you

Troye : ^^

if any of you are going through anything at all, please just inbox me. i'm usually always here to talk to. if i take too long to reply i'm either at school or i'm sleeping. i might not have, or be going through what you are, but i promise that i will try my hardest to help you and be there for you. if you cant inbox me, my insta is Troyes_eyes and my Twitter is Courtney_Songer. i just want all of you to stay safe and happy. i accept everyone for who they are, no matter what they do. just stay safe, message me if you need or want a friend, someone to vent to, if you need advice on something, or anything in general, and just remember that everything will be okay eventually.

Group Chat (Troye Sivan , Connor Franta, Ben J Pierce) Where stories live. Discover now