3. Shopping and Dates

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"Em I'm here" I shouted through the medium sized house.

"KYLLLLIIIEEEEE" Kayla yelled as she took that opportunity to attach herself to my leg almost causing my coffee to spill on us both.

"Hey kiddo" I greeted while rubbing her head. Where's Em?

"She's in her room and you brought Jay with you" she took that time to unattach herself from me and run over to Jay who was way too deep in his Doritos to be concerned about his current surroundings.

I took that chance to slip away into Emerald's room where I found her in her closet digging through clothes.

"Hey Em!" I stated while taking a long sip of my coffee and sitting on her queen sized bed waiting to see if she'd pay me any attention

"Thank God you're here" she stated. "It's official I don't have anything to wear and we're going shopping" she stated in distress.

I nodded in response. It was pointless arguing with her when her mind was already set.

"Tyler just got back home from some party ; so he could watch Jay and Kayla while we're out"

Tyler was Emmy's older brother 2 years older to be exact considering he was 18 and yet us the 16 year olds were still more responsible than him.

"You sure that's a good idea Em?" I said.

"Now that I'm thinking it over ... no! We could distract them with ice cream while we go shopping" .

"Once again you doubt my babysitting skills" Tyler slurred from the door obviously still hung over from his party last night

"Maybe it's because of the fact that the last time you were suppose to babysit  and I came home you were on the couch sleeping while Kayla was in the kitchen attempting to light the stove!" Emmy scowled from her closet.

"The kid wanted cookies" he said nonchalantly

"Point is you're not babysitting again"

"Especially with Jay" I added laying back on Emmy's bed

"Whatever" he responded dragging his feet back to his room and crashing into his own door might I add.

Emmy and I both looked at each other; and in response burst out laughing.


The ride to the mall consisted mainly of Emmy constantly changing radio stations in search of a good song.

Kayla and Jay discussing why Dora never could find swipper even when he's right in front of her.

The usual to say the least.

"So.." Emmy began "Are you ready for your date with Cory tonight?"

"Emmy I don't even know why you're bringing this up I only agreed to go with him because he's your boyfriend's best friend and you wanted a double date" I stated

"I don't get it ky you're sixteen, gorgeous, a good student and you use to love this kind of stuff, but ever since Ryan, you've just been off."

"Please let's not bring this up again em lets just have fun tonight. Deal?"

"Okay whatever deal." She said annoyed

I hated when she brought up back Ryan the one guy I tried my best not to think about.


"I like this one" Emmy said holding out a long sleeved mid thigh black lace dress while sipping on her strawberry smoothie.

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