Chapter 11

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"How’s the satellite going?" Nicole said as she walked into the control room.

Blake picked his head off his arms. He looked like he'd fallen asleep at the screen. Toby, curled in the corner, pricked his ears and sat up.


"Satellite. Did it make it up?"

"Oh," he looked back to the screen. "Yep it’s in orbit. Still not picking up much."

Nicole moved forwards. He seemed dazed. "Are you alright?"

Blake wiped away the sleep in his eyes and pushed his fringe back. "Yeah, just a little tired from the launch."

"Oh, okay." She dropped down in the other chair beside another control panel. A green light flashed at her then turned off again. "What was that?"

Blake looked across. "Water pressure. It flashes every ten minutes."

She nodded in relief. She was sure she caused it.

Blake stood and shuffled towards the table.

"I think you should go to bed."

"Yep, I think so too."

Nicole laughed as he started towards the door. Three steps and he fell forwards. She leapt off her chair and ran to his side. "Blake!" she screamed as she shook his shoulder. No response. The kid moved like a rag doll as she flipped him over onto his back. "Somebody help!"

She laid a hand upon his face. The heat radiating off his was nothing like she had ever felt before.  Why was no one coming? Not near enough to hear my cries. She spotted the radio still attached to Blake’s belt and yanked it off the clip. "Can anyone hear me? Blake fainted in the control room. I need help." She released the button and looked down. His eyes were scrunched closed and his breathing quickened. All she could do was watch. Stuff this. She jumped to her feet and ran for the door almost colliding with Sarah as she bolted in. 

"What happened?" she asked. Nicole stood aside as Sarah went to her brother’s unconscious figure. "He just fell over. He said he was tired and he was going to bed then..." She made a motion with her hands that mimicked Blake hitting the ground.

"Well don’t just stand there. Go get Sandy."

Right! Nicole took off down the tunnel. She didn’t know which was louder. The blood pounding through her ears or her feet against the ground.

The infirmary seemed so far away. She spotted the wide door and swung into it. Sandy froze, her hand is the air reaching for something.

"Blake just fainted. He's in the control room."

Sandy dropped a metal instrument, grabbed the medical bag by the table and rushed towards her. Nicole led the way. She ran back, her heart beating quicker as the control room came into sight. What will I find when I walk back in. Will Blake still be alive. Is Sandy too late?

She entered to find a pale faced Sarah sitting on the hard floor beside Blake. She'd moved him onto his side, the recovery position. I should've done that. I've had medical training too. We all did.

"What’s wrong?" Sandy said as she walked and dropped to her knees beside Blake.

"He's not responsive," Sarah said, panic creping into her voice. 

Sandy placed two fingers against his neck. "Pulse is weak." She removed them and placed her palm on his forehead. "Temperature. He might have a virus of some kind."

She ripped open her bag and pulled out a few medical tools. She checked her manual finding with a thermometer and a stethoscope. "I haven't a clue. But he is sick, very sick. Have any of you noticed any change in him over the last few days?"

Sixth ExtinctionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon