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"I can't believe you blew me off last night." Christian said for at least the 3rd time since he had picked me up from practice. He was laying across my bed flipping through a book I was in the middle of reading.

"Can you drop it and help me pick out something to wear tonight?" I groaned and dropped the few dresses I was holding. I had been going through my dress closet to find something perfect.

"It doesn't matter what you wear babe, you look great in anything." He waved me off, still flipping through the book. "This John Green guy, he uses cigarettes a lot, why?"

"I don't know." I sighed, it was a question I had asked a few times. "They must stand for something, like a battle between life and death. In the two books I've read of his so far, a main-ish character who used cigarettes died. I say used because Augustus never lit one, just held it in his lips, while Alaska smoked and claimed to smoke to die."

"You my dear, are a little nerd." He chuckled.

"Why? Because I like to read and over analyze?" I huffed, giving him a small hair flip.

"It's cute though." He laughed. "What about that super pale orange strapless? It clings to all the right curves without looking slutty and the color goes great with your skin."

"Whoa! Who are you?" I laughed as I pulled the dress down.

"I spend too much time with our moms." He grumbled.

He was right though, this would be perfect. I quickly slipped out of the t-shirt i was wearing and into the dress.

"How can you do that?" He spoke up.

"Do what?" I asked, flattening out any wrinkles with my hands.

"You're not afraid to change in front of me, or not wear pants, stuff like that."

"You were my bestfriend before my boyfriend. We've always changed in front of each other and stuff like that" I laughed.

"But it's different now." He pressed


"You're my girlfriend. I can touch you. I don't want to take my eyes off of your body. I want you." He winked and playfully bit his lip.

"Stop being so sexual Christian, you didn't get any last night and you're not getting any now."

Or so I thought.


Quickly, I ran out of the house and nearly jumped into my car. "We're late! What are your parents going to say?"

"Relax," Christian laughed as he climbed in. "It's your fault for tempting me."

I let out a defeated sigh and began putting my shoes on as Christian drove. Black heels that matched with my black clutch. My gold watch matched with Christian's as did my dress and his tie. It was a cute gesture.

"I didn't hurt you or anything right?" He almost whispered after a few minutes of silence had gone by.

"No." I hesitated. "It was fine."

"It was your first time." He sighed.

"What? No!" I protested.

"Don't lie, I could tell. I just wish I had known, I would've made it special." He grinned.

"What's more special than with my best friend with Hoodie Allen playing in the background?" I laughed. "Besides, special first times are totally cliche."

"Whatever you say Cerda." he laughed and grabbed my hand in his right, while driving with his left.

So it was my first time, but what's the big deal? I never saw the point in making it a big deal.

"I'm sorry if that made you feel awkward or anything." He half grinned.

I let out a small sigh and squeezed his hand tightly. "Stop it. You're fine. It was perfect."

"Moving on from the subject," he nervously chuckled. "This isn't anything too fancy so it can't be that bad right?"

"You're nervous? The Christian Moreno is nervous?" I laughed.

"It's not funny. This is a big deal. My dad's really counting on me, on us, to make this deal with the Japan division. What if they turn it down? Then it's my fault." I heard the panic in his voice.

"Babe, you're going to do just fine. Breathe." I softly began to rub his hand.

"Stop being right." The corners of his mouth tugged upward slowly.


"You're late." Kevin addressed us, smiling next to Annette.

"I'm sorry Kevin, it was my fault. You know us girls." I smiled back apologetically.

"He's just being a grump, don't mind him. You two are on time and look incredible." Annette nearly squealed as she hugged us both.

"Let's go in, shall we?" Kevin cleared his throat and took Annette on his arm.

Christian followed suit and held his arm out to me. I held in a laugh and placed my arm around his. We walked into the restaurants party room. One long table was set up for what looked like 10 people or so. Kevin took a seat at the end, Annette to his left, Christian and I to his right. Minutes later 3 men, all in black suits walked in and took the seats on the other end leaving a gap between us.

"Kevin," the man sitting at the head of the table spoke up. "Good to see you."

This was the start of the most boring conversation I've ever had to be in.

Really just a filler, sort of. Sorry if you were bored. Xoxo

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