Chapter 3: Never bring that up Again!

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A/N: I decided to try to update this weekly. However, I am a freshman in high school. I'm getting a job soon, I have to join a club, and still keep up with my schoolwork. I have a lot to do, so do not blame me if I don't update in time. I did say I'll try.

"Princess!!!" I screamed, jumping down after her.

I wrapped my arms around the two, struggling a little, as I turned us so that I'll take most of the damage.

"What a pain, a couple of people have kicked the bucket." A familiar face appeared while eating an apple.

"Yoon-chan~ Hi! It's been a long time! I'll help you carry them, so please treat their wounds~"

I think I twisted my ankle, my wrist is definitely broken, I probably have a concussion, and I think that sharp branch from earlier, caused a deep cut on my stomach. Not to mention I still had my arrow wound.

'Man, I'm so awesome for being able to do this while I'm injured...' I grinned to myself as I set the two down onto separate mats. I let Yoon do his own thing, while I leaned against the wall in a corner, and gave into the darkness.


'This dream again...? I'm so sick of it... make it stop. MAKE IT STOP!!!'

Third Person POV

Akuma thrashed and screamed as Yoon [is it Yoon or Yun?] tried to treat her wounds.

"Geez stupid woman! Stop moving around so much! You didn't even tell me you were injured..." He growled trying his best to keep her still. But she kept squirming, and he decided to grab a tranquilizer to calm her down. It worked, and her screams died down to whimpers. He blushed as he treated her wounds, while ignoring the fact that she was only in her bra and underwear. Once he finished, he threw her cloak over her as a replacement for a blanket, since his other two patients were using it. He made sure to close the door behind him, because she hated when people took off her cloak, simply because she didn't want them to see how she looked.

"Mattaku... [geez] That girl causes and brings trouble everywhere..." he walked back into the other hut, and sliced up some oranges, before squeezing the liquid into the female's open mouth. "Ah? You finally awake? Good. My arms are getting tired. Eat this yourself." He stuffed a slice into her mouth.

"Hoo a u?" Yona tried to speak.

"I'm Yoon. I'm just a good looking guy passing through. But you could forget about that. Who are you guys, you probably aren't bandits since you were with Akuma, but you're quite persistent if you're still alive after falling off the cliff." He questioned while grinding some herbs for medicine.

"Cliff?" She sat up, holding her head as she tried to remember. "That's right... we..." Yona's eyes widened in realization. "Hak! Where's Hak?!"

"Hak? Oh, if you mean that dark haired man that was with you, he's over there." He directed her to the guard with his eyes.

"Hak!!!" She rushed over, her eyes filled with fear.

"He's alive, just barely. He would've died if I treated him a moment later. Akuma was shielding both of you, but he probably took some damage too. It seemed like he was protecting you, while Akuma protected both of you. That guy went through a lot for you, are you two lovers?" Yoon questioned, interrupting her prayer for his safety.

"No definitely not." She immediately denied. "So this is the bottom of the valley? Do you live here?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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