The Subject Called LIFE

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I was born to live this way...

Being a Teacher is not my profession.

It is who I am.

Teaching is not my job.

It is my life-style.

Though in the course of my every day

I am a Student and a Learner. 

If a person does not study anything,

there's no need to call him/her a Student.

If he/she does not learn anything,

he/she could not be called a Learner...

Yes, I admit...

I admit that I am not good in all subjects,

but there is one subject I love most and 

with God's help this subject is what I can teach

best. . .

Because before I have finally become a teacher,

I have been studying about it and continually 

learning more of it... 

And now in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

I can say with all boldness and humility that

without (and if not for) this subject,

other subjects are nothing. . .

I am a Teacher, a Student and a Learner of the subject called LIFE. . . 

(In life, even we're not real teachers inside the classroom, when we share lessons in life with other people we ourselves become teachers. Through our own experiences others become students when they study our experiences, they become learners when they have truly leanred; same thing happens to us, we become students of others and learners as well... There are different kinds of teachers and we also can be teachers of our own self; we study things in life, learn from our own mistakes and successes... but the most important thing is the lessons we learned and how we use them for the betterment of ourselves and of others as well. . . The best teacher is the one who does not just say things but truly lives according to his teachings and whose life is the best example of what he teaches; one who shows the right way, who tells the truth and gives life to others...  I know ONE best teacher and I've learned a lot from that teacher and for me He is the best of all - the LORD JESUS CHRIST.) 

"Jesus said, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' " (John 14:6)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2013 ⏰

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