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                Sweetstar strut up onto the high mound in the clearing of Riverclan.

How am I going to say this? She thought looking down at the ground.

She sat down and called, "All cats old enough to swim and catch fish, go to the high mound."

She could hear confused murmurs and she saw Leafmoon and Jupinterbranch pad out of their dens.

Perfect! She thought as all the warriors and apprentices sat down in her presence.

"Cats of Riverclan," she began, " I have terrible news." She hung her head low.

How am I gonna do this to my daughter?

She thought looking at the crowd of cats looking at her with confused eyes.

One apprentice Otterpaw, called out, "What happened?" A cat sitting next to him nudged him and whispered something, and Otterpaw closed his mouth and didn't say anything after that.

"We have a issue." She told them, eyeing all the cats seeing if one of them looked guilty.

"Jupinterbranch and Leafmoon come forward." She instructed edge dripping in her voice she looked at all of them.

"You two disappoint me." She growled. "Jupiterbranch is having kits. Leafmoons kits. For this action she will be exiled and Leafmoon will have to be a warrior for until Riverpaw becomes a full medicine cat which may be 2 to 3 moons."

She hissed as cats glanced at Jupniperbranch in anger and in sadness. "Leave now. I don't want to see you hurt." Said as she licked her daughter ear for the last time.
Jupintebranch ran out tears streaming from her eyes, Leafmoons eyes widened.

"Before I step down I must share a prophecy," he looked at Sweetstar whom nodded.

         "Dark or Light, Day or Night, One choice will decide.
The fate of the clans.

    Berry hanging on a tree,
Breeze flowing through the sea,
    Falcon flying through the sky,
    Sun in the sky so high,
Juniper berries coloured bright,
Ocean waves echoing in the night,
Otters listening to the waves, admiring their song.
When the Juniper Berry falls, the clans may be in doom.
Th chaos will rise, within the light of the moon,
The peace will crumble, like leaves under paws,
And the Clans could be crushed,
Like prey in your jaws."

       Leafmoon meowed, before padding into the crowd of cats, who gave him nasty glares.

"Clan meeting dismissed." Sweetstar muttered, stepped off the high rock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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