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Gripping my bag, I gazed at the house in front of me. Fourth time, fourth time I've been moved in the past six months. "Hammy." My little brother tugged onto my coat sleeve looking up at me with his dark brown eyes. 

"Yes, Lucas." I said, taking his tiny Avengers bag onto my other shoulder. 

"I'm hungry, and can I room with you this time? I don't like being away from you. " He pouted. 

"I'll get us something to eat and of course, baby. You'll never be away from me okay? We're a team, we stick together through everything." I smiled, taking his chubby hand and walking through the front door. 

My social worker, Rachel, was talking to our new foster parents. "Ah. And this is Brandy and Lucas. Both very bright and sweet. Lucas is 10 and Brandy is 17. I must let you know that if you do happen to send Brandy or Lucas back, which you most likely won't" Rachel said with a nervous chuckle before continue. "You must send them both back, or else um, Brandy will... she kinda has a melt down."

"It's not a melt down, Rachel." I breathed out. "Lucas is my brother, and he comes with me where ever I go, forever." I said firmly before turning to my 'parents'. "Mr. and Mrs. Crockland, where are our rooms?" I asked. 

Mr. Crockland stayed back to finish signing the papers as his wife showed Lucas and I our rooms. "Legally, we can't have any boys and girls sleeping in the same room. But I'll allow you and Lucas to have a room together. I'm sure Chris wouldn't mind. Now you two get settled in and I'm ordering some pizza, the others should be here soon." She smiled sweetly. 

"The others?" Lucas piped up. Shut up, kid.

"Our son, and the other foster kids. Joshua and Alexandra. They're all around your sister's age." She grinned down at Lucas before leaving, shutting the door behind her. 

Lucas flopped onto the bed, puffing out some air. "I'm exhausted!" He yawned. I smacked his stomach. "Ow!" He squeaked out, sitting up. "What was that for!" 

"Get up, we need to unpack, change our clothes and stuff." I said, unzipping my bag and pull out the little clothes I had. Lucas fell into routine, being silent as we moved around each other, putting our things away. 

It only took thirty minutes, Lucas and I were practically masters at unpacking and packing. There were countless times where Lucas and I were woken up in the middle of the night, being told that we had to leave. On those nights, we'd pack our bags in silence, detaching ourselves from the home we had, the people we knew and the school we went to. 

There was a knock on the door as Lucas sat on his bed, playing with his iPad mini I had bought him with the little money I had from selling paintings I made. I had also bought myself an iPhone from this guy at my old school. He stole iPhones and sold them for low prices. I know it sounds bad, but I really don't care. 

"Come in." I said, scrolling through Instagram. All my old friends were messaging me, telling me how sad they were that I had left. I did the usual, sticking to my script as I typed 'I miss you too.' Don't get me wrong, I do miss them, a little. But there's no point in crying over it, you can't change what happened, you just deal with it. 

"Hey" A deep voice said. I looked up to see a boy around my age, He had light brown hair and dark eyes. "Pizza's here, mom said to come down and wash up."

His tall, lean structure looked different from the Crockland's. So he was obviously one of the foster kids. I was surprised he called her 'mom'. "Sure. We'll be down in a minute." I said, clicking off my phone and looking towards Lucas.  He nodded, leaving the door cracked open. "Let's go, Lucas." I nodded, getting off the bed. 

Lucas mumbled an audible 'okay' before turning off his tablet and stuffing it under his mattress. After years of being in the system, Lucas and I learned to hide the little treasures we have very well. 

When we got down stairs, I was greeted by the sight of Mr. and Mrs. Crockland handing plates to the three teens at the table. "Here they are." Mrs. Crockland smiled, handing Lucas and I our plates. 

"Lucas, Brandy. These are our kids. That's Landon" Mr. Crockland thumbed towards the boy who came into Lucas and I's room. "India and Ryan." A giddy, tiny, paled skinned girl smiled at me. 

"Hi." She said, grabbing a slice of pizza. 

"Hey." I nodded, grabbing a slice as well. 


Dinner was mostly ate in silence, a few spoken words here and there. Lucas and I helped clean up before we headed to our room. "Lucas." I said, once we were safely in the room. 

"Yeah?" He yawned, already pulling off his clothes to get into his pjs. 

"I have to wake up early for school, so make sure to set your alarm. Okay?"

"Gotcha." He nodded, waddling over to give me a hug. "Night, Brand."

"Night, Luke."


HI HI HI!!! Sorry the first chapter sucks, but it will  def be getting better ;)






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