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I was exhausted, to say the very least. I couldn't sleep last night. The bed was too comfortable, everything was way too quiet. It was peaceful. 

Mrs. Crockland made sure to wake up with us teens, serving us pancakes and coffee at 5:30 a.m. She poured some coffee into India's cup. "Thanks, mom." She smiled, biting into her pancake. Why the hell do they keep calling her mom?

"My mom and dad are in the process of Adopting both of them." A hot breath fanned my ear, making it tingle. I looked to my left to see Ryan. This is the first time he's talked to me. At dinner last night, he hardly spoke to anyone, only eating and excusing himself afterwards. 

"Oh yeah?" I asked, looking at him in disbelief. Only in Annie had I actually ever say a foster kid get taken out of the system before they hit eighteen. Ryan nodded. 

"They've been with us for six years." Wow. India and Landon had been in the same home for over six years? Maybe Lucas and I will stay for that long. No. No, I can't expect something like that. That's how you get let down in life, you expect everything to go good and smoothly, only for them to crash and burn. 

"That's cool." I nodded, finishing my coffee. I brought my plate to the sink, rinsing it off before turning to grab my bag from the table. 

"Oh no, Brandy. We all ride together in Ryan's car." She smiled, standing from her seat. Ryan and Landon nodded in agreement. 

"Oh... uh okay." I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I didn't mind the free ride, I just knew that it'd be really awkward. It always is. 

Landon sat up front with Ryan, while India and I sat in the back. The car was not that old, maybe a 2014? 2013? I had no clue. It was sleek, expensive. The seats were smooth and black, had the scent of new leather too.

 India talked to me the whole way, I didn't mind. At least I didn't have to talk at all. She gave me all the ins and outs of the school. Telling me who to avoid and who I should befriend. She gave me directions to the office so I could pick up my schedule. The whole time she was feeding me this stuff, she was jumping up and down in her seat, eyes wide with excitement. 

"Thanks, India. Thanks Ryan for the ride." I nodded towards the trio. 

"Do you want me to walk you to your class? Or wherever you're going?" Landon asked, stepping out of the car. He wore light washed jeans, a red hoodie with the words 'Nike' sprawled on it and white vans. 

I shook my head. "I'm good. I'll find my way." I said and walked off. 


-Ryker O'Brien-

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-Ryker O'Brien-

"Hey, squirt." My best friend Mandi said as she plopped into the seat next to me. 

I looked up from my camera, sparing her a glance. "Yo." I nodded once.

"Another schedule change?"

"You know it. This is like the fifth time." I groaned, resting my head on the back on the scratchy plastic chair. 

"Seventh. But who's counting?" She snorted, nudging my arm with her pointy elbow. Just then a girl walked through the double doors. I swear it was like a damn movie. Time slowed as she walked to the main desk. She had smooth caramel skin, a few blemishes here and there. She had kinky, light brown hair that went a little past her shoulders. Her lips were full, plump and pink. Her eyes were my favorite. They reminded me of a feline, narrow yet wide and the most beautiful hazel I'd ever laid eyes on. She wore a pair of worn out jeans and a black shirt. She was so simple yet so beautiful. 

"You're drooling, Ry." Mandi said some what harshly. I unwillingly turned towards my forgotten friend. 

"My bad." I chuckled, and walked to the front desk. 

"-Nelson. N-E-L-S-O-N." The girl had said as I stood next to her.  Her voice was like honey, warm and sweet, yet it had this rawness. Right then I knew I was hooked. 

"Alright. Here you go, sweet pea. Need someone to walk you to your class?" The woman behind the desk smiled. 

"No thanks." the Nelson girl said while taking her schedule. And just like that she was gone. The girl who quiet literally made my heart stop, was gone. Stanford High was a big school, so I had no way of knowing I would see her again. 

"Ryker. Ryker. Mr. O'Brien!" I refocused my eyes on the lady as she peered up at me through her thick glasses. My cheek grew hot' I was blushing. 

"Sorry. Miss. Um. I'm here to pick up my schedule... again." She hummed, licking her wrinkled fingers and tabbing through the stack of papers on her desk. 

"Here you go. Now hurry, first period starts in five minutes." She warned and handed me my paper. I thanked her and made my way to the exit. 

"So do we still have first together?" Mandi asked hopefully as she caught up with me. I held onto my bag and put my camera in it. I made sure it was safe and wouldn't be damaged before answering her. 

I eyed my schedule. "Nope. But we still have the same lunch, and we have fourth together now." 

Mandi frowned. "Oh. Well then I guess I'll see you later then. Bye Ry." She waved. 

"See ya." I waved back, hiking my way towards first. 

When I opened the door, everyone's gazes fell on me. I tried to just scan the room and not make eye contact with anyone. But sweet baby cheeses when my eyes landed on her, the girl front the office, I nearly fell to  the ground to thank the man above. "Sorry I'm late." I choked out, my eyes still on her. Then the most horrifying thing happened; she looked up from her phone and met my look. 

"It's okay, Mr. O'Brien. I understand schedule changes can be unexpected." Mr. Lonson said. "Please take seat next to Ms. Nelson." he said before turning his gaze to her. "Ms. Nelson, will you please raise your hand?"

As if I could forget about her mesmerizing face.

She raised her hand, an unreadable expression on her face as she looked at me. I felt hot under her gaze, my sweater suddenly becoming warmer. I wanted to crawl into my shell and hide there forever, but at the same time, I loved the feeling of her gaze on me. I took a seat net to her, her frame small next to mine. "Hi. I'm Ryker." I somehow managed to push the lump down my throat and speak. 

She looked up at me with those doe like eyes. God those eyes. "Brandy." she offered me a weird smile. The half hearted type people gave you in return on the streets when you passed by them on a warm Sunday afternoon.

"I've never seen you here before, you new?" I asked  after a few moments of silence. She simply nodded. "You'll, um, you'll like it here. The teachers are great and the food isn't half bad." I laughed off my nerves.

Brandy cracked a beautiful grin and shook her head. "I guess, not as bad as other places I've been to. "

"Other places?" I raised and eyebrow at her, causing her cheeks to  flush. 

"Never mind." She breathed out. 

Hmm. How curious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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