At the store

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So there is two kinda parts to this, I was at the store with my lovely mother. She sends me off to get her something, I honesty can't remember what it was.
I was singing the song above to myself, now it was either me or the lovely people of Texas. But one of us is super crazy, the favorite part of the song came up. So I sang it, and I guess I sang it two loud or something. But everyone in the aisle turned to look at me, at this point i started to blush naturally of course.
The worst part was, i had to get what ever my mom wanted and it was in this aile.
So trying my best not to make eye contact I got what was needed and walked as fast as I can.

The othet part was this.
So there is people who do this to. But I talk to myself, especially if im in a rush or panic. So I was looking for something really fast, because my parents were at the checkout line.
So I looked over to my side in the aile and I see no joke a god! A god! But the problem was, this "god" was looking at me like i was crazy. So when I see someone really, really, REALLY good looking. I do stupid stuff.
So I say to this guy "im not crazy" and of course, my voice cracked because life hates me.
So I ended up going back to checkout line with out the said item, and my father had to go get it because "I couldn't find it"

I hoped you guys like my little story thing, or what ever you call it XD

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