Kiss Kiss~

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Pain: *laughing*

Jeff: What the hell is wrong with you- nevermind....

Pain: Ok- wait let me catch my breath *breathes heavily* ok there, so I need three people for these two dares. BEN, LJ AND MASKY PLEASE REPORT TO THE LIVINGROOM ALSO WITH EVERYBODY ELSE!!!

Day-Day: What now!!

Ben and LJ and Masky: What do you want!!!

Pain: Dares ok so Undyne99 come in.

Undyne99: Ok so I dare Ben to kiss LJ!! Sorry Senpai I just had to.

Pain: *burst out laughing*

Ben: W-WHA!?!? *bushes bright red*

Pain: Aww us Benny afwaid~?

Ben: shut up!

Lj: NU-UH!! *tries to run but gets grabbed by a tentacle* NOOOO!

Slendy: Sorry child but a dare is a dare.

Ben: *quickly pecks Lj's lips* blah!! *runs to the bathroom*

Lj: goodbye now!!

Everybody: *trying not to laugh*

Undyne99: sorry!!!

Pain: Ok so next is Masky!

Masky: Oh no.

Undyne99: I will give you 10,000 dollars if you let me see your boxers.

Masky: whaaaaa-!!!

Undyne99: You heard me Masky~
*waves 10,000 dollars in Masky's face and says teasingly* you know you want to~

Pain: Whoa!

Everyone: *quietly watching*

Masky: wiat right here! *runs to his room* here you go now give me the money!!! *tosses Undyne99 a pair of his boxers*

Undyne99: nice doing business with you!! *leaves*

Masky: now if you will excuse us Hoodie and me will be in the cheesecake factory!! *leaves with Hoodie*

Pain: Ok so leave more dares down below and don't forget to vote! Bye!

Everyone: bye!

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