Chapter 13 (?)

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Your PoV

I've been sitting out side the infirmary for at least 2 hours, "Y/n calm down I'm sure he's fine." Jess says "He has amnesia how can you say he FUCKING FINE?!" I yell everyone stares at me. "Jess I'm sorry I'm just really worried that's all." I say Alesa sits next to me and rubs my back. "We all are, I'm sure it's not permanent." Just as she finished her sentence the doctor walked out. "Is he okay?" I ask her. "He has temporary amnesia he'll eventually remember everything but the process is faster if he's around people and things he's used to like all you for example. If you want you all can go in and see him." She says we all walk into his room, I was just glad to see him awake. "Hey Max." Phoebe says. "Hey guys." He says sitting up. "The doctor told me I have amnesia, and that all you guys would come in to see me. So who are all you?" "I'm Alesa." "I'm Adam." "Max (G)" "Tim" "Jess" "Shelby" "Ross" everyone says I was last. (Let me know if I missed anyone) "And I'm Y/n, You're-" Max cut me off "Girlfriend. Yeah Phoebe told me." He said I sit down and I take his hand. He squeezes my hand and half smiles. Two days later Max was let out so he could be around more things he was used to being around. On our way to the cabin Max fell down the stairs. "Oh my god, MAX!" I say running down the stairs to him. "Max are you okay?!" I ask he looks at me. "I remember, I remember everything all of you and you!" He says hugging me. he pulls away with a straight face. "I remember who threw the Rock." he says "WHO?!" we all say. "Jin" he says. I could feel the rage boiling up inside me.

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