Chapter 25

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Maddie's POV

"What do you mean it's Mackenzie?" Abby asked.

"It says Mackenzie" Gianna said.

"Answer it!" Me and the girls exclaim, running up to the computer.

Gianna clicks the button. It takes a moment to load then a picture forms. We see Mackenzie, dirty and with blood and cuts everywhere.

"MACKENZIE! Are you okay?" We asked.

She doesn't say anything.

"Mackenzie sweetie where are you? Who took you?" Mom asked.

Now all of us are crowded around the computer. Waiting for Mackenzie to respond.

"I don't know mom" she responded.

Before mom could say something, a person steps in front of the camera. It was a man but he had a mask on covering his face.

"That's a good question to ask Melissa. But let's be real here. She doesn't know where she is. But Maddie does. Well almost does. One more coordinate Madison. I'll be nice and give you an easy riddle. But you only have 3 minutes to answer." The mystery man said.

"Jimmy's mom had five kids. One name Monday, one was named Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. What's the fifth kids name?"

It takes me a moment. Then I know the answer.


He nodded. "Your final coordinate is six. Now you know the city and state. You just have to find the house" he grins.

"But before I go. I think Mackenzie needs to be beaten. Don't you?" He asks.

"No she doesn't cause she hasn't done anything" Brooke says.

"I disagree" he grinned.

Next thing we see is him beating Mackenzie harshly. He has a belt and is belting her, he's punching and kicking her and she's crying hysterically.

Her screams echo throughout the studio and it hurts my heart.

"STOP!" I shout at him.

He does but turns to look at me. "What Madison?"

"I said stop! She never did anything wrong. We didn't say anything wrong. You're hurting her for no reason!" I said.

He laughs "you sound the same when you were nine."

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"Don't you remember saying that to your father?" He questioned.


He takes off his mask and me and mom almost started crying. Everything made sense now. Why they knew so much about me and Kenzie.

"What don't you miss your father?" He asks.

"You have five days if you don't find her by Sunday she's dead" he said and the screen went black.

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