Percy Jackson x Reader (Female)

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          The sounds of the clanging swords can be heard in the arena, as the daughter of (gp/n) trained with the son of Hades.
            But what the certain daughter of (gp/n) didn't know was that the famous son of Poseidon, Percy Jackson was staring at her with admiration in his eyes.
            The battle between the two were tough both were very skilled at the sword, but soon enough the son of Hades unguarded the girl and with his sword pointed at her neck with a small smirk planted on his face.
            "I win!" He replied. "I will get you next time Nico." Replied the girl. Nico then realized that in the corner stood the son of Poseidon. Nico then leaned closer to her ear and whispered "Percy is staring at you, and good luck with the next time (y/n)."
             He stepped back and gave her back her sword and disappeared into the shadows. You bent down to redo your shoelaces when you suddenly felt a wave of sudden coldness that emits off from shadow travel. You then look up to see Nico with a straight face with Percy in his grasp and said "Stop stalking her and talk to her it is creepy." He then let go of her and disappeared for the second time.
             "Want to do a match Jackson?" I asked with a smile as I raised my sword. He seemed to be in a distant place I stood next to him and snapped my fingers under his nose causing him to flinch.
             "Oh yeah sure." He replied with an uneasy stance. I let out a small laugh at his uneasiness. I looked at him and blushed as he stared at me. Do I have a crush on this boy?Yes, yes I do but do I let him know it?No I don't.
            We then walked in a circle waiting for the other to make the first move. I then lost patients and lunged my sword at him which he easily blocked with his amazing sword he then pushed against my sword with his and shoved me off. We kept going back and forth trying to put the other off their balance. Soon enough Percy was the one who landed on the floor with my sword pressed against his neck.
               "Looks like I win Jackson." I said with a small smile. "Not just yet (yl/n)." He said with a smirk. As he swung his leg underneath mine making me fall to the floor with a loud thud. As I tried to sit up Percy then climbed on top of my stomach with the sword pressing against my neck, with a smirk.
             I breathed in the air which was tainted with his ocean breeze smell. "I win." He replied. I was trying to think of a way to put him off guard and thought of an idea that might work.
            All I did was smile as I reached for his shirt and brought him down to my lips so I could kiss him. He soon let go of the sword as he kissed back in shock. I then used this as my advantage and flipped us over and grabbed the sword with my face close to his. I then stood up and said "No I win hon." I dropped the sword and said with confidence in me "Save me a seat at the fireworks?"
          He then looked at me with a smile and walked up to me and kissed me with passion and said "Yes."

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