Night Unchanging

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chapter 1.

I looked at her stern face and knew my argument had been void to start with. I had no chance, my parents were going away on this trip whether I liked it or not. I didn't see why i couldn't go with them, Id not got long left of college before I was leaving for good, I was eighteen after all. And it was only two weeks until summer started "Mum I really feel like it would benefit my existence to come with you, rather than being stuck in lessons that make no sense at all because the teachers cant be arsed because its too hot to compute anything" I said crossing my arms

"No. You'll stay here. The last thing you want is to miss your last day. Now behave yourself and start acting eighteen instead of eight" my mum said calmly, that annoyed me, the way she had a calm manor over everything I did. Id crashed my car into the garden fence before and still her reaction was nothing more than a sigh, it was like she expected me to do something stupid "fine. but it'll be your fault if I burn the house down. I gave dad and you a hug already so I guess you can go.." I said with a sigh "love you mum" I added with a sad look

"I love you too, stay safe. Make sure you lock up when you go out and when you get in at night. I don't expect you to be out after eleven at the latest. Trust me ill find out" mum said then smiled and walked out shutting the front door behind her. And then there was complete silence. Then the phone started ringing and made me almost throw up my heart "JESUS CHRIST!" I exclaimed then took a deep breath calm down. the phone wont sneak up and slit your throat whilst you not looking. its just a bloody phone I thought to myself, I shrugged and stood there for a moment pick up the phone then I told myself, I walked over and took a steadying breath then picked the phone up and pressed the answer button "hello?" I questioned, Id not been expecting anyone to call

"hello? Vi is that you? seriously you took long enough. Come meet me on the corner, I have someone who was looking for you at the coffee shop today, apparently Mr tall dark and sexy knows you?" it was my friend Luna...her parents were a bit eccentric, that's why she got the name apparently "well sorry there must be a mistake because I'm pretty sure Id have told you if I knew a mr tall dark and sexy. I don't know him. And you shouldn't either. He might be a serial killer. Just...leave him there and come to my house. you can stay over. My parents left for New Zealand just now. I'm a little on edge by myself" I told her, I heard a crackling noise down the phone which sounded like she'd brushed the phone against something then I heard her sigh "no I cant. You need to come straight away. He's getting a little impatient. Please?" Luna asked, I frowned "oh alright stop pestering me. Ill be there in three" I told her then put the phone down. I was prepared for anything now. Serial killers or psychopaths. Kind of.

I slipped on my battered combat boots and went outside locking the door behind me, I took a deep breath then walked until I saw Luna. She grinned at me as a tall, athletically built, pale dark haired guy came out from around the corner, she was right as always, he was tall, dark and sexy, he had a kind of look about him that screamed 'I'm dangerous and you know I am' which made me a little uneasy. Why would a guy like that say he knew me? He most certainly didn't..or if he did i didn't know him. Cautiously I approached them both, I hugged Luna then frowned "so whats happening? you were a little vague on the phone" I asked, Luna shrugged "he said he knew you. I thought maybe he was a friend of the family?" Luna said a little hopelessly "I don't think so" I said, the guy spoke up

"that's where your wrong. I know you Violet" he said, I frowned "I don't talk to strangers. I'm not that stupid, so go back to you little creepy hole and stay there and leave me alone" I told him, I grabbed Luna's hand and dragged her up the street and into my house. I hoped that would be the last Id see of Mr. tall, dark and criminally insane.

As soon as we got inside I turned on Luna "what the hell were you thinking?" I questioned frowning

"sorry...I guess it was a dumb moment on my part. he seems a little older..and the kid of guy you'd go for so I thought at worst he might be a potential boyfriend for you or something..I don't know what I was thinking...sorry" Luna babbled, I sighed "your crazy Luna, but I guess as long as he doesn't know where I live we'll be good. but doesn't he seem familiar to you?" i asked, Luna frowned in thought then gasped, she smacked herself in the forehead "I'm so dumb! hes in the same college as us! oh my god" Luna said shaking her head "well done, now he thinks were freaks and I'm going to have to see him tomorrow since your going away to your cousins wedding thanks a bunch Luna" I grumbled, I locked the door since Luna was staying over then threw myself down on the sofa "that's my life just made ten times worse" I mumbled rubbing my eyes, a sudden bout of fatigue struck me, I felt like going to sleep right there although I knew I couldn't. somehow I didn't think wed be staying up late tonight.

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