chapter 2

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After about two hours of sitting on the fire escape staring into space i finally decided enough was enough (after getting insanely bored) and wandered dreamingly into the corridor of my college, i was met by the stares and giggles of spiteful, patronising, sourfaced girls

"hey Violet, where have you been? cutting yourself in the girls toilets?" one of them said with a spiteful grin

"oh no, shes way too normal for that" another replied to her sarcastically then giggled,

thts when i heard a deep husky voice behind me "girls, id say that were somewhat plauseable, but i know for a fact that its not because she spent the morning with me. my over riding concern now is that you might start spreading rumours" the voice said, i started to turn around then frowned. brilliant. mr tall, dark and upset just backed me up...all be it with something i definately would not and did not do, the girls glanced at me with a shocked look then started intently at the man behind me's face..then chest, then t-shirt clad abs, then..well you can see where im going with this.

"oh no, for you we'll keep that to ourselves. not for her" the girls said, despite him helping, i found myself getting angry, i decided in the spare of the moment to forget college, i turned around and shoved past the man, if hed told me his name id forgotten already.

i made my way to my van and realised the car keys were not in my pocket.

shit. id dropped them back there.

i turned to go back for them against my better judgement and instead of being able to walk i came into contact with a hard thing. after a second i realised it was someones chest...his chest. i looked up to see him dangling my van keys off of his index finger, he smirked at the gawping i was doing at his face "something the matter" he asked raising his eyebrows.

Quickly i grabbed the keys from him and tried to turn then noticed he was so close i couldnt, i frowned at him "can you move i want to get in my van" i told him abruptly not liking the lack of distance between us "why? nervous that a guy is standing so close? what are you affraid of?" he asked, i just grumbled and turned forcing my elbow into his chest, he didnt seem hurt but he took a step back anyway and let me unsteadily climb into my van.

i closed my eyes for a second then turned to put my bag on the passenger seat.Then i screamed because the psychotic twat was in my van "WHAT THE SHIT! GET OUT!" i screamed at him, he just raised his eyebrows "and go where? you gave me a lift this morning remember?" he said.

oh yeah. damn.

"did you not get the message this morning?" i demanded scowling at him

"i did. the thing is im a little deaf. the only things i heard were stay and me" he said sarcastically,i sort of frustratedly scream growled at him then got out of my van and headed towards the woods to the right of the school, amazingly yet unsurprisingly he caught up to me. he was not going to be easy to get rid of.

"Where are you going?" he asked, i shrugged

"for a leisurely stroll. now my good man if you dont mind please do me the honor of pissing the hell off in the opposite direction" i told him. why was i talking like a victorian?

"what the hell was that? your going all 1912 on me princess" he said chuckling,

i turned and punched him in the arm hurting my hand more than i hurt him "stop calling me princess!" i growled. that was really pissing me off, i was not his princess nor anyone elses

"why? what are you going to do?" he asked, i didnt give him the satisfaction of an answer

"whats wrong with you? why are you so dissmissive?" he asked,

i sighed "well, my parents arent here. everyone hates me and i pretty much want to be alone so yeah. piss off" i told him still walking through the trees tripping a few times

"i have a better idea" he said with a sly grin. now i was in trouble.

For a moment i thought i was floating. then i felt something warm around me, then i felt something soft hit my back. after what seemed like only a minute i opened my eyes to find myself in my room on my bed, i had no idea how i got there until i saw the mans face. he was at the end of my bed with a smirk "crazy right? im fast" he said grinning, i was stunned actually "what the jesus?"was all i could say, then i saw hiseyes change and two sharp canines protrude from his gums

"CRAP!" i screamed backing up against my headboard

"i said i liked you, and im telling you im a vampire because your no normal human sweetheart" he said, i just gawped at him "your special, and im going to make your human side go away, youll thank me soon" he said,

the last thing i saw was his eyes... then darkness.

Waking up was not a good experience. the first thing i noticed was that surprisingly I was still in my own bedroom, id read my vampire books and id expected to wake up in either a basement or someone elses mysterious bedroom. Then i noticed that he was sat on the bed next to me, blood stained his t-shirt and then i realised it also stained mine and my bedsheets "what happened?" i asked a pounding ache forming behind my eyes and under my jaw, the man smiled slightly, id not realised how nice his smile was before "well...i saved your life. im sorry to say i cant explain why but all i can say is your now even more of a cross breed than you were before" he said, i frowned

"what do you mean?" i asked completely confused, the man sighed and moved closer, now i noticed how hypnotisingly stunning his eyes were. they were icy piercing blue with dark ring around the edges "your half angel, and now your other half thanks to me is vampire" he said. i laughed then shook my head "your sure? your not confusing me with someone else?" i asked, he smiled again "definately not. i said you were special. now you can stay here, your parents wont come back any time soon. i got you some things whilst you were out cold. they are in your wardrobe and various other places, you may also want to shower, your covered in blood" he said, i frowned "whats your name?" i questioned, he grinned and headed for the door

he turned and looked at me "Caine, Caine Thorne" he said then left the room. i lay back down and frowned. yay...i guess this was something to tell Luna.

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