Stone Of Truth

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Here on land I was minding my own business...
Something hit me.
It was a rock,
And it hurt.
A lot.

I looked around to see if anyone threw that rock at me, no one was around.
I checked my surroundings and there was no place where that rock could of fallen off and hit me.
Confused I just decided that someone threw the rock at me and ran away.
Here is a picture of the rock

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was a odd looking rock,I decided to keep it

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It was a odd looking rock,
I decided to keep it.
Since it was the weekend we had Mermaid School I wanted to bring it with me, and thats what i did.
I showed it to my Best Fishy Friend (BFF) when i showed it to her she said that it was really ugly!
It usually wouldn't bother me... Since this was my BFF I know whats shes like, this wasn't like her at all.
Confused i decided to let it go.

I showed the stone to our teacher.
She replied to me saying "you don't belong in the ocean!"
Why would she say that?
Does this stone do something or mean something?
Ill hold onto it just incase...

Sea you soon!

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