Chapter One

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"Three, Two, One!" Everyone chanted around me.

A loud alarm rang, echoing throughout the school, signaling that my senior year had just ended. It felt like I had been waiting for this day my whole life. My class erupted in cheers, and I turned around and grabbed my friend Jeremy and kissed him right smack on his lips.

I pulled away and we looked at each other before bursting out laughing. I turned around and hugged my best friend Madison.

"I can't believe we're finally done with high school!" Madison sang.

"I know, its about time," I hollered with excitement.

"There's a party at Derek's house tonight, want to go?" Madi asked casually.

I nodded eagerly, "Yeah definitely."

She smiled, happy that I wanted to go. I normally wasn't into parties but I was elated from my last day of high school.

"Let's go home," She told me as we collected our school bags. 

We practically ran out of the school to her yellow Volkswagen and drove to her house. You could say we were a little bit eager to leave the prison they called Sunset Hills High School. After a short drive we arrived at Madi's house. I stole a bag of Doritos as we passed through the kitchen and took the stairs two at a time to her bedroom. Plopping down on her bed, I popped a chip in my mouth.

"So, what was with that kiss you gave Jeremy?" she asked as she sat down, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I scoffed, "Madi, you know I don't like Jeremy," I smacked her arm. "He's just a friend, it was a spur of the moment type of thing."

"Alright, uhuh."


"Fine, fine, whatever. But I ship it," she smirked.

I smacked her arm again.

"Okay! I'll stop, but would ya quit hitting me!"

"Only if you shut your trap," I narrowed my eyes.

The next couple of hours passed by like that-- like it always did with Madi. We were really close, and we could do absolutely nothing and still have fun. That was one of the many reasons she was my best friend.

I glanced at the digital clock on the table by her bed, and saw that it was already six pm.

"Madi, what time is the party?" I questioned.

"Uhh, I'm not sure," she muttered, filing her fingernails, "I figure we can just go at like nine. Then do you want to sleep over here?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'm going to stop at my house to get a change of clothes for the party and tomorrow."

"Alright, see you soon."

I walked out her front door, beginning the short trek to my house. Anxiety knotted in my stomach at the prospect of seeing my dad. I hadn't been there for a few days. I was lucky that Madi's family let me live there half of the time. 

We lived really close to each other. If we hadn't I would have just said screw it and worn some of her clothes.

About five minutes later, I arrived at my house and my heart began to beat fast. Quietly, I opened the front door, cautious not to make any noise incase my dad was passed out on the couch. Again.

Once the door was opened, I peered inside. My eyes darted straight to the couch, confirming my suspicions. There he was, passed out drunk—just like almost every other day.

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