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Yoongi's P.O.V

I saw Hoseok.

My angel and hope who is now pointing a knife on me, I look at him with teary eyes while he just look at me with a smile, a smile that's different from the way he usually smile, it's like he's not even the Hoseok that made me go all soft.

Hoseok soon forward the knife that is pointing at me but thank god to my reflexes I was able to dodge it.

I was gonna kick him in the balls so I can get away but still even though it seems like he's not himself right now, he's still The Hoseok that I love, I know right pathetic but that's what love do to you.

So I just pushed him but it was pretty much useless since he manage to came back up easily, Well shit, so I just made a run for it.

Even though I'm good at running he still manage to keep up with me well he is buff so yeah, wait doesn't that means he also had Abs too?! As I thought of that in my head I am literally blushing right now while being chased.

As of now I'm fantasizing like where playing tag and it's all romantic and with the background music, but yeah reality just slap me again, that when he catches me he would just swing me around with his 'gun show' but no~, when he catches me he will fucking stab me and I will freaking die.

I soon reached a play ground at the park where we are playing "Tag your dead."

I quickly hid behind the bushes before he tag me, as of now he reached the play ground while panting heavily and sweating but still I find it hot.

"Oh hyung~, I know you're in here somewhere, how about we play a game then hyung, well since your gonna die anyway when I found you, how about making it fun well not for you but for me." As I froze off by his words, "how about uhmmmm 'Hide and Seek' and when I found you you're dead. " as he laughed like he just heard the funniest quote ever.

I start holding my breath, as I peek through the bushes, I didn't saw him and that just give me a chill in my spine because you know what will happened if I turn around I will fucking end up like those idiot characters on some scary movies, so I came up a plan and it was running away while he's gone, as I proceed my plan and run, well that's just great because I was right, Hoseok was behind me the whole time and he back hug me before I run away and to tell you this the back hug, it was not romantic as I thought it would be.

The bear hug I was getting was getting tight as seconds passed, "What's the matter Mr. Bad boy can't you fight back? " as he teasingly said to me that got me pissed off, I kick his stomach and he bended down from the pain and he death glare me before he manage to get up, Man this guy is tough.

So before he reached me, I quickly get up and run away from from him, while I was running, I look back again and again to see him if he's catching up with me but thank god he's not following me and when I look back again I bump into someone but he held limbs so I wouldn't fall but that didn't stop from screaming from panicking, "PLEASE STOP NO NO GET OFF STOP!," "HYUNG! stop it's me Jungkook!" I opened my teary eyes and saw that it was Jungkook.

ⓣⓘⓜⓔ ⓢⓚⓘⓟ

Right now I am walking towards my locker, Jungkook has been worried sick about my action last night and I also refused to answer his questions about what happened to me it's just I really don't wanna talk about it, well even I don't know what exactly happened I mean did I do something to him that will surely will pay back me with my life?

As questions now starts wondering n my head, I bump into someone on out of blue, "Oh I'm sor-" I was cut off by the guy when he took my wrist and drag out of school, I was stumbling but I still manage to run, I swear this guy is gonna get it when we stop.

When we eventually stop I was about to kill this guy but he pinned me in the wall behind me and he take off his hoodie and it was Hoseok, I have no idea what am I gonna feel right now actually, I just froze their like a snowman.

"I need to talk to you", he said with a serious tone on his voice which I find sexy btw, "Do I really look like I have an another choice", as he took away his arm then he unexpectedly bow down to me like he's literally on the ground bow down to me, "MIANHE! I'm so sorry of what I've done to you! " and he start crying on the ground as I hear him sobbing and eventually took some other students attention, and I'm just there like freaking out what am I gonna do, "Okay okay! Let's just talk about this somewhere please! " as he get up and I saw his puffy eyes and gotta admit he was so cute I could just eat him up well not really.

As I drag him to the back of the school building and were about to didge school for now, as I jump over the wall, my eyes widened for not helping Hoseok to jump over the wall because probably he never done this before, so when I jump and look on the other side I notice he wasn't there anymore and I realize I was falling now but someone catched me on my waist and I look it was Hosoek who already on my side, "Aren't you gonna put me down? " as he realized he was still holding me, "Oh sorry" as he put me down, "How come I didn't notice you when you jumped over? " , "We actually jumped at the same time and I was on your back so you propably didn't notice me btw where are we going? " as he questioned me, "Glad you ask cause I also don't have any idea, I just don't wanna talk in the school that's all," as I look away from embarrassment and I heard it,he chuckle, it was so cute for a crazy person actually, "I know were, follow me, " then I felt like I just made the stupidest decision on my life.


A/N here, Oh look an update, well actually I was about to didge this story because of my busy schedule but I saw this people who still reads my crap so I felt guilty so here you go I'm still gonna continue this shit, sorry for the boring chapter, the next one will be the explanation why is Hoseok is doing this whole shit

Sorry for any wrong grammar and spelling, and see you guys next chapter Bye~

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