Chapter 40: Trust

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Chapter 40:

Anna is lying in a motel bed, her phone to her ear, as she leaves a message for Jeremy.

Anna: Hey, it's me again. Anna. Stalker chick and Foosball champion. I'll be at the Grill later, if you want, you know, a rematch, or whatever.

Ben exits the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looks over at Anna as he dries his hair with another towel. Anna hangs up her phone.

Ben: Who are you calling?
Anna: Jeremy Gilbert.
Ben: You're not, like, into him, are you?
Anna: I need him for something. Get over it.

Ben walks over to the window and pulls the curtain back. The sun burns him, his skin starts to smoke, and he reacts quickly.

Ben: Oh! Mmm! Damn it!
Anna: Dude, you gotta stop doing that.
Ben: I know. I just-I keep forgetting.
Anna: You're new. You'll get it.

Ben sees an open journal lying next to Anna and picks it up. He lies in the bed next to her as he examines the contents.

Ben: You found the Gilbert journal?
Anna: Does that look like the Gilbert journal?
Ben: Well, it's old and musty, and how am I supposed to know the difference?
Anna: I don't know, I figured maybe, just maybe, you've been paying a little bit of attention since we met.
Ben: [scoffs] You know, you don't have to talk down to me. I'm not stupid.

Anna gets up and walks over to the mini fridge. She extracts a bottle of blood and walks back over to Ben, sitting down on the edge of the bed, and handing him the blood.

Anna: Here. Drink. I don't want you getting itchy around the witch. She can sense if you're weak.

Ben uncaps the bottle and gulps down the blood. He scrunches his face up as he examines the bottle.

Ben: When can we go hunting again? This tastes old. I want fresh blood.
Anna: When we get that tomb open, you can kill anyone you want. For now, just stay focused on Bonnie while I try to get the journal back from Jeremy's teacher.
Ben: Why did you choose me?
Anna: I needed someone in a position to be my eyes and ears. Small town bartender fit the bill.
Ben: There are plenty of bartenders to choose from. Why me?
Anna: You were sad, Ben. You lacked purpose. You needed me.
Elena is combing through boxes of old family memorabilia. Stefan and Giselle sits at the breakfast bar, watching Elena.

Elena: Do you think Damon really believes us? That we're both trying to help him?

Stefan: I don't think Damon knows what to believe. Trust isn't something that comes naturally to him.

Elena: You know...I really think that Damon believes that everything he's done, every move that he's made, he's done for love. It's twisted, but kind of sad.

Stefan: There are other ways to get what you want. You don't have to kill people. Damon has no regard for human life. He enjoys inflicting pain on others. For 145 years, every single time that I have let my guard down and let Damon back into my life, he's done something to make me regret that. I'm not going to make that mistake again.

Elena: So what do you think will happen if the tomb gets opened and Damon gets Katherine back?

Giselle: whoa, wait what?!

Elena: ops I forgot she didn't know

Stefan: thanks...

Giselle: *gives Stefan a glare* well...

Stefan: Damon wants Katherine back that's the only reason why he came back to town

Giselle: so it has nothing to do with me

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