Chapter 1

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You weren't the most innocent girl to say in the least but that was why you were running, not that you had any intentions to change your ways but it gave you a fresh start to leave the hell that you had already made back home.
There you were walking round the unfamiliar backstreets of Seoul, they were dangerous not that you cared, you could fend for yourself pretty easily. You crouched down by an abandoned block of flats, kicking any broken glass away so you could sit down. An occasional bark of a dog and the faint sound of a motorway was all that could be heard at this time of night. Taking out your switch blade, which you kept in the waistband of your underwear for protection, you tucked it carefully into your sleeve for more comfort while seating. You took out one of your three pre-rolled joints placed it in your mouth before getting your clipper and lighting it, sighing as you noticed you only had about half a tens left you counted your 200,00₩ which you had stole from your parents just before running away. Before putting everything back into your backpack you checked you still had your switchblade in your sleeve. Pulling your hoodie more over your body, you tried getting some sleep, which was evidently hard with all the thoughts ruining around in your head.
You woke at what was probably around 4:30, the sky was getting lighter but it was still very silent. Hearing your stomach rumble slightly made you sigh knowing you probably weren't going to eat until tomorrow or the day after, just to save money. Picking up your bag you started walking again but this time something was different, you could sense something in the atmosphere, another presence. Knowing that someone else was there you slipped your switchblade into your hand shaking slightly, you just carried on walking silently praying that there was a Main Street near. Your walking speed got slightly quicker and your breathing pattern became faster as you realised to men dressed in black were behind you. You quickly turned a corner thinking you had got away befor-
" well well well, what's pretty little girl like you doing here, especially in this part of town?"
A deep voice said with chuckle coming from a tall man with a studded mask on to hide the bottom of his face. You turned around to leave, but only to see you were cornered by the two men who had been following you. Suddenly, you were slammed into a wall arms pinned against it so you couldn't move.
"Now let's take that from you, we wouldn't want things getting a little violent would we?" He said taking your switch blade from your grip.
"Now answer my question, what is a little girl like you you doing here, huh?" He said this time with more force .
You just stared away from him not wanting to say anything.
" I'm getting impatient, now answer my fucking question bitch, what are you doing here?" He slapped you harshly over the cheek looking into your eyes, you still made no sound.
"Search her bag" he forcefully tugged your bag off of you.
The two other men went down your bag pulling out all your clothes and taking your spliff and money.
"Ah so you're a run away are you?" He said chuckling
"In that case you are no use to me, boys kill her!" He shouted dropping you to the ground as the other two slowly made their way towards you, taking out their knives.
"Wait you're a pretty girl, why don't you show us how pretty you are," he says turning back towards you "come on it must be hot under all those clothes."
He pulls your shirt down your shoulder as you scream.
"Sorry babe I can t hear you" as he carries on .
In response you bite his hand and knee him in his genitals, he backs away groaning .
"You're gonna regret that" one of the other men say while they jump on you slashing at your skin with their blades, you slowly feel yourself losing consciousness until one slams his fist into the side of your head and you black out.
" just leave her here boys" the leader says as they walk off
You were left there lying in the alley unconscious, blood drying on your skin for hours into dark.
Walking down the street, he had just had his last 'client' and he was on his way back to base, that's when he saw you well more like tripped over you. He was about to carry on walking until he noticed how badly hurt you were. He sighed as he picked you up, knowing the rest resting of the members were gonna give him shit for bringing you back to their base.

Hi guys so bangtan will be in the next chapter don't forget to like follow and vote thank you love you ~ Charli 💗

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