day t h r e e

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You asked if you could borrow my pencil today,

In maths; it's one of the five classes we share together.

'Just until the end of class'
You reassured me

Of course I became a blushing mess as soon as you turned around to ask me
This is the first time you ever said a word to me

But luckily I was able to stutter out a
And I spent a few seconds fumbling around my pockets to bring out a pencil,
The first one I could find

Which just so happened to be my favourite pencil
The bright pink pencil
The pencil covered in little rainbow stickers I had carefully placed on myself,

'Aha that's so cute'
You took the pencil from my hand and thanked me before turning back around

'It's no problem.."
I barely mumbled to myself
And my eyes didn't leave the back of your head for the rest of the lesson.

You forgot to give me back that pencil,
But I don't mind.
The thought of it kind of makes me smile.

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