Dear One ,

We had a code , a way of life. Run until you find what you're looking for or until everyone you ever hated is gone .

You broke that code .

My purpose was never to make you understand . It was to make you see that the whole world wasn't as bad as you thought . At least that's what I was told . I know you couldn't see the good in everyone but for a time you were able to see the good in me . I regret everything I did . I regret turning you away , I know you hate me now but I hope in time that will change .

I can promise you this much , the world isn't as bad as it seems . It can be a beautiful thing full of unimaginably wonderful people if you let it . I cannot help you if you don't let me in . I know that's typical of people trying to help others but it's genuinely true . I had issues in the past , you know all about these . You were the first person I told .

You managed to take me away from the pain , though it was only for a few moments it made all the difference .

I'm sorry I ever had to leave you , I hope you understand I would not have done so out of my own free will .

The sadness I have felt every day has since seeped into my bones and become a permanent fixture. The tears don't fall anymore, I can no longer cry oceans . It's just a constant looming cloud now , it refused to float away .

Promise me you will never forget the stars on that night , promise you will never forget the way the breeze danced with the trees . I will never forget it , what I hope to forget is the silence.

Know that you will never read this and that it will remain stacked in the pile I set aside for you sometime ago .

The day will come when I will pass and the world will keep turning , not a day goes by when I don't think about that silence . The unnerving feeling .

You are the bravest and most fragile thing I've ever come across.

- Tyler .

Dear One , Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora