" Tyler ? Well ? What do you think ?" I said as I spun around in my new dress . I'd been wanting it for ages , Tyler said it would look lovely for a special occasion , it's nice to know that Tyler thinks of my funeral as a special occasion .

But for today it was being used for a date with a boy in the ward down from mine , his name is Jesse . He's been so kind to me ever since I got here . They are allowing us out of the hospital for a few hours , obviously with supervision but I'm happy all the same .

" You look ... Beautiful " Tyler took a deep breath and continued " Jesse is a lucky guy " I smiled at the ground and went to hug Tyler , he clung on tight . "You ready ? I'm sure your knight in shining armour is waiting " . " Yeah , I'll see you later Tyler " he nodded and I left immediately , closing the door softly behind me . Jesse was waiting .

Two hours later , when the night was almost over I walked back to my ward and my room . Tyler told me he'd wait for me and bless his heart he did . I walked in to see him led on the floor surrounded by empty crisp packets .

I made a mental note to scold him for it tomorrow and went to the bathroom to get changed . The air was cold and the tap water was freezing . I climbed into jogging bottoms and a baggy t shirt and went to wake Tyler up . I pushed him and shouted to wake him but he just groaned and rolled over , that was suitable for now .

I climbed into bed admiring the memory of a wonderful day. Seeing Tyler laying face down on my bedroom floor made me chuckle , I kissed him on the cheek and said " Jesse sucks , plus Tyler is a cooler name " . He groaned in response .

It's true . I love Tyler Joseph with all my roughly frayed heart .

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