*Rosemarie's POV*

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I put in my headphones as I hop on the school bus. 'Part of Me' by Katy Perry blasted through my earphones. I didn't want to hear all the stuck-up idiots on the bus. I sat in a seat by myself. As I was looking out the window, I felt the seat move as someone sat next to me. They tapped my shoulder and I spun my head around. Sitting in the seat was a tall, skinny, hot guy. His short, black hair hung over his forehead just above his bright green eyes. He was wearing a black Tesla tee and blue skinny jeans with black Converse.

"Hey, I'm Josh" his voice was smooth and deep.

"I'm-I'm Rosemarie but you can call me Rose" I stuttered.

"Hi Rose" he smiled brightly.

He must be new. I haven't seen him around before. He pulled out a piece of paper and showed me it.

"Do you know where Mr. Smith's room is" he asked.

"Yeah, just follow me. I have him first period too" I smiled back.

"Thanks so much."

A few more stops later and we were at school. We got off and headed to my locker. I politely pushed my way through the crowed hallways with Josh treading behind me.

"Here we are" I said walking into Mr. Smith's room.

"It's really..." he trailed off.

"Small? Awful? Stinks?" I shot words at him.

"...Different" he finished.

"Oh...where are you from?"


"Oh nice" we sat down next to each other.

"Yeah, my dad got a job here so we had to move" he rolled his eyes.

The bell rung and everyone sat down. Mr. Smith walked in and cleared his throat.

"We have a new student today, class," he motioned to Josh, "why don't you tell us your name and where you're from."

"I'm Josh Nichols and I'm from Massachusetts."

Whispers were exchanged throughout the classroom.

"He looks so emo" one girl whispered to her friend.

"Alright class, settle down" the teacher interrupted the mini conversations.

I could tell Josh heard everything they said. He sat down with a sigh.

"Don't worry about them. They're all brainless" I smiled.

"I know. They're all fucking retards" he shot back.

"Today we are learning about..." the teacher's voice bled together.


"That's it for today. Have a good day class" he said before the bell rang.

The rest of the day was a blur. I couldn't get those words that Josh said out of my head. 'They're all fucking retards' echoed in my mind. Those were my classmates. The people I've known since kindergarten. Sure, I said they were brainless but I don't really mean it.

"How was your day" Alex asked me as I walked in the door.

"Okay I guess" I shrugged.

"What happened?"

"There was a new guy at school and he's pretty cool but he's only nice to me."

"Oh I see"

"Mhm. Where's Roi?"

"He's gone" he didn't look up from what he was doing

"Gone? When will he be back?"

"I don't think he will be..."

"What...What do you mean?"

He looked up at me, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"He quit! He's gone! Vanished" he started yelling, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Alex-" I reached my hand out to him but he pushed past me and locked himself in his room.

It was torture to see him like this so I called Roi.

"Hello" he answered.

"How fucking dare you?! Alex is literally sobbing in his room" I held back nothing.

"Rose, please. Don't make this a big deal" there was worry in his voice.

"It already is a big deal!!! When were you gonna tell me?!?!"

"I was gonna tell you later tonight. But I guess Alex already got to you before I could."

"Roi!! Why are you leaving?!"


(Sorry I published this so late. I couldn't sleep so I decided to work on it. I hope you like it ^_^)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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