Chapter -13

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Diverse School Love On
                      Shrey .....
We all went to sleep earlier . Though I acted all cool abt it it was so difficult for me to forget that kiss . It was my first kiss !! I wanted my first kiss to be shared only with the man I was going to marry . I'm very shy and conservative in such things . He committed to mistakes . Number 1. He stole my first kiss . Number-2 . He kissed someone he called as 'Omma'.
I was hurt but then I did not stop caring for him . I luved him like his Mommy.
He was asleep . I walked towards his cot and sat near him .
"Shrey don't get hurt !! I'm sry !! I'm sry !! ", he murmured.
He was having a nightmare .
"Everything is alright. Just go to sleep . ", I said hoping to comfort him.  I gently stroked his black hair . I took a last look at him before going back to my cot .It was morning . This time I decided to go to the bathroom in cooking room . I wanted to avoid any sort of problem . Before going I made Sehun's clothes for that day ready . I remembered to place the hair dryer near to it .
By the time I returned everyone were ready .Cal ran towards me .
"Shrey I did not have the strength to look at your face yesterday. I'm sorry ", he said .
" That's ok and don't talk about it anymore . And Eun Sang u can call me names . I don't bother and I'm quite used to it by now ", I said .
"Shall we have something to eat before we go ? We have got half an hour more " , I said referring to the time from the wall clock .
We went to the cooking room .
"I thought we were going to cook together ?! Did u complete cooking for us already?? ", Cal asked surprised .
"Yeah . We are going to be late . Let's dig in !! ",I shouted at them .
We all started eating . I got angry when I saw Sehun eating only a little . When no one noticed I added food to this bowl .
" Eat everything!! ", I threatening him silently .
He turned and smiled showing all his teeth . It was so cute !! He was smiling for the first time since yesterday. I smiled too . I noticed Cal's grip over his spoon tightening . He must have noticed but then he remained silent. Eun Sang kept complaining abt my cooking but then she was the one who ate more . We started off . Cal and Eun Sang were in the front walking . We both were following them.
"Did you arrange my clothes this morning ?", Sehun asked .
"Yes .Why ? U don't want me too ?? ", I asked challenging him . He came in front of me and started walking backwards looking at me .
"No , continue doing it b cuz it feels nice . But u know something ? I felt funny when I noticed you had even made my underwear ", he said controlling his laughter .
I blushed .
"Shrey , u look beautiful , nothing ", he said with a resigned look .
"What ?", I asked looking at him angrily .
" Shrey don't get surprised tomorrow when you see your clothes kept ready for you. ",he said grinning.
"Shrey I want to say something but don't give any reply . Just listen ", he said seriously when were near to the main classroom .I nodded .
"I'm sorry ", he said .
I just nodded my head smiling . He was smiling too .
Entering the main classroom we found Mrs.Clara standing there .
"Welcome , u r on time . But see that here onwards u r here in time ", she said .
"Sit down ",said our so called disciplinarian.
There were four chairs . Two were in the front and the other two in the back . Sehun sat in the front one and I sat near him . We both smiled at each other . I heard him saying to himself my name . I said his name silently .
My name sounded nice when it came out of his mouth .
His name sounded nice to say .........Sehun .
                                      To be continued ........

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