Gary x Misty

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Gary's P.O.V

I was walking back with Umbreon to find a place to camp out that night when I heard footsteps and a familiar voice. I heard the voice of the orange haired girl that Ash hangs out with.

"No, Ash! Leave me alone!" I heard her say, seeming very annoyed. I soon saw her and she was in tears and her head was down and she clutched Togepi and ran as fast as she could. Without thinking, she bumped into me.

"Hey, aren't you Ash's girlfriend or something?"

"I'm NOT his girlfriend!!!"

"What's wrong?"

"My life!" she said, and pushed me past to run away. I grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Need a shoulder to cry on?" I offered; and she flung her arms around me and sniffled.

"Thank you Gary."

"It's okay. " She then looked up at me and smiled.

"You're so nice."

"For a reason." I said. And without any words said, we both thought the exact same thing. And we kissed each other passionately.

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