Chapter 22

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Max's POV

I saw the face of my biological Mom..

She was the one who saved me

She's alive and I can't wait to feel her embrace again. I wanted to go to her and hug her

But all this time, she never show up to me and i wonder why?

My mind is still confused. All i could remember was I saw her laying on the floor with her head full of blood.

I do remember that night...

When Dad told me to call for a help, I ran outside the house and ran and ran. I felt myself losing my strength and it's like I'm going to pass out

I continued to ran until a huge light suddenly appeared and I got hit

I heard a woman rushed to me and made my head looked at her

That face...that i will never forget

Yes..I do remember. I still do. I remember the face of a woman who gave me life and introduced me in this world.

"Mama.." I mumbled and everything went black


I woke up and her face was the first thing i wanted to see..

But she was not in my side. I tried to find her inside this room but she was not here. Then I saw my second mother opened the door and walked towards me

She was smiling and looked so happy.


"Max...?" I looked at her face and I saw waters building in her eyes

Should I tell her about my biological mother? I will just hurt her, i guess..

"Mom...she's biological mother.." I said and she looked down

And i guess, i hurt her a little

I can't help it but to cry too

"Mom.." I held her shoulder but she pulled away

She's not looking at me, she's still looking down

"Mom...don't be like that. Please talk to me.." I said with my voice breaking

Then she looked at me

"Why? huh, why? Are you not happy with your new family? Are you not happy that I am your new mother?" She said and my heart ached when I saw her tears falling

I cried more and tried to reach for her hand 

It was unexpected. I didn't expect to see my biological Mom again. Cause all i know is that, she died.

"Mom please..don't be like that. I am happy you're my new mother now but..."

"I still love her.." I said crying but I managed to say it

Then she finally looked at me with her teary eyes

Jennifer's POV

This revelation is hurting me right now. All that Max saying are hurting me right now

The detective is her biological mother!

I just closed my eyes as I pressed my hand on my head and took a deep breathe 

Then I looked at Max

I wiped my tears 

I should not act like a villain here..

So even if it hurts me, i will let him see her

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