His Last Move

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Martin tossed the cereal box into his shopping basket. It was a perfect goal. He suddenly felt like a kid again. A woman, around 25, looked at him wondering what a 40-year-old man was doing in the supermarket acting like a child. He picked up his basket and turned the corner.

A sale's person called out to him offering a small cup of orange juice. He took up the sale's person's offer. He was feeling thirsty anyways. He reached out for the cup with his right hand while his left hand was holding the basket. As the tip of the cup touched his lips, he suddenly froze.

He couldn't move. His hearing was slowly fading. His eyesight was getting blurry. "Sir, are you okay?" asked the sale's person. He wanted to answer but he couldn't. His muscles gave in and he dropped the cup and the bucket and finally dropped himself onto the floor.

Human shadows started to crowd around him. He couldn't see anything clearly. The last thing he heard was the sale's person's voice telling another person to call the ambulance and then, everything went silent and dark.

It seems like days he had been stuck in the darkness. He forced himself to wake up and he did. He opened his eyes to a plain white ceiling. He tried to move his body but he could only move his neck and fingertips. "Where am I ?" he said it out loud.

"You're at the hospital," said a voice. The voice seemed familiar to him but he couldn't see who it was. He tried turning his head but to no avail. "You collapsed at the supermarket." He remembered what had happened. He tried to move again.

"Why can't I move?" he asked.

The was a short silence before the voice answered, "you got a stroke. The doctor said it was due to your sudden stop from smoking but, don't worry. The doctor said you will slowly get your movement back but not fully."

The voice started getting closer to him and finally he saw who it was, "Ally?" It was someone that he did not expect to see. Ally had a doleful look on her face. The last time he saw her looking like that when she asked for a divorce.

She put small smile while she sat down, "It seems that I am still number one on your speed dial."She stared deep into his eyes. She felt that everything that was happening to Martin was all her fault. She shouldn't have left him. She regretted it. It was all about a stupid guy that just wanted her money. Typical. It was Martin's money to be exact because she depended on him.

When Martin found out that she was cheating on him, he didn't get angry at her. When she asked for the divorce, all he did was asked if that's what she really wanted and would it make her happy. Martin thought that it was his fault. He was always busy with work and trying to find money to support his family, he didn't give enough love to his wife.

After the divorce, Ally's boyfriend started showing the bad side of himself. When she won the custody over her son, scared of responsibilities, he ran. He disappeared and she never heard from her 'boyfriend' again. She could have just gone back to Martin but, her ego didn't allow her.

The doctor informed Martin that in a few days time, he could be discharged but he still need to come to the hospital for check-ups and muscular exercises. In that few days time, Ally regularly came to the hospital and cared for him. Sometimes, she came together with their only son, Alex, who is all grown up. He was very thankful to Ally. He had no one else as his family to care for him.

On the day of discharge, he requested to stay in the hospital until he was okay or to be sent to a home where they can care for him but, his ex-wife and son offered him to stay with them. At first, he declined their offer but after hours of persuasion from both of them, he finally agreed.

Ally and Alex were happy that he accepted their offer finally. Even though it might be a big trouble to care for Martin's disability, they thought it was worth it. Also, after what Ally did, she felt guilty and felt like she needed to do something to repay what he had done for her.

Ally pushed Martin in the wheelchair as they entered Ally's small apartment. It was simple and clean. Nothing was special in the house but the air suddenly felt special.

Martin wasn't sad to get a stroke. He was happy because finally, he got his family back.

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