Ferris Wheel - Michael

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"Michael, no. Please!" You whined at him as he pulls you by your hand, forcing you to go and ride the ferris wheel with him. You two are having a night adventure at a newly opened carnival in town.

"Please! Just one ride!" He insisted. You don't wanna ride it because you have a fear of heights. Just a thought of standing on a cliff makes your knees go weak. What more if you spend more than 10 minutes in a low and awfully high ride?

"What the- Michael! What are you doin!?" You shrieked as he let go of your hand and scooped you down, carrying you in his arms. "Let me go!"

"I won't. We are going to ride that and we'll have fun." He smirked and walked towards the line. The line grew shorter in a short period of time and you had no way to get out. You and Michael sat on your position and the operating guy secured the barrier on you guys then the wheel started to go up.

"Won't you look at the great view above here?" Michael restes his arm over your shoulders. You shook your head, your eyes still closed.

"Michael, you know I can't stand heights, right?" You said through gritted teeth.

"Open your eyes." He breathed.

"Baby, no."

"Just open your eyes. Im here, I promise." You felt his other hand intertwine with yours. You inhaled deeply and slowly opened your eyes. You noticed you're on top of the wheel and it has stopped turning so you clenched your eyes shut again. You felt Michael's grip on your hand tightens.

"Babe, would you open your eyes?" He sighed. You felt like he's growing impatient so you gather all the courage from yourself and slowly opened your eyes again. The cool breeze blew against your cheeks, making you more nervous and your palms sweat even more.

"M-michael, I-Im scared." You stammered and his arms moved you closer to him. You tried to look down and have a view of the whole carnival but let out a squeak so you just stared on the stars above.

"Baby, you have to face your fears." He whispered and planted  light kiss on your neck.

"Michael, fears are called fears because you're meant to be afraid of it." You reasoned and he let out a small chuckle.

"No (Y/N), fears are meant to be faced and overcame. You're not actually afraid of heights. You're afraid of falling. The thing is, you don't have to be. Because Im here. You'll be safe as long as Im here." He told you and you looked up at him.

"Remember that day you confessed to me of you being afraid of falling for me?" He asked and you nodded. You remember that day that you confessed this to him and it turned out that he's inlove with you even before you started to have feeling for him. "Did I let you be and break your heart? I didn't right? I'll always be here for you. I'll catch you whenever you think you're falling, because I love you so much."

His words kept you sane enough that all of a sudden, you felt the courage pouring inside you and you felt brave. This is why you love him so much. He's the one who keeps you calm in stressful situations and the one who takes your fears away. He never fails to keep you sane when your mind is in a huge and complete chaos.

"I love you." You mumbled and he cupped your cheeks as he brings his lips to yours. Your mouths moved in sync as he slips his tongue inside your mouth. The wonderful sensation that he's giving you during the kiss made you forget of the actual world around you in that place. You feel nothing but the warmth of his touch.

"Uhh, excuse me. The ride is over, which means the ferris wheel make out session is over too." The voice of the operating guy made the two of you pull away from each other's lips. You both smiled at the guy as you stood up and walked away from the ride with intertwined hands. You spent the rest of the night with an amazing adventure in the carnival with your very lovable boyfriend.



So yeah. Even if I have no readers, here's a Michael imagine. Gonna be posting about Luke and Calum maybe in the middle of the week as well. Im open for requests, if you're wondering. Just comment your name and your fave :) xxS

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