Chapter 1

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I woke up and silenced my alarm, checking the time, it was 7 am and my class started at 7:30. "Damn" I whispered quietly grabbing a shirt and pants in the dark without seeing what they were. I left my room with a dark red shirt and black track pants with elastics in the ankles. I saw my mom with my lunch and back pack in her hand. "School. Go" she smiled and shoved the bag in my arms and pushed me out the door, throwing my shoes after me. I slipped through my neighbours back yard and hopped their fence onto my school's property and smiled.

As I sat in first period my math teacher called on me "And Mr. Parker, the answer to number 3?" She asked
I flipped open my book frantically and found the page "Uh, 327 centimeters squared?" I asked
She nodded and I took a breath of relief. "Very good." She said, writing the answer on the board, I sighed and closed my eyes, when I opened them everyone was gone, the desks remained there, the whiteboard. All the items from the room were still there, but the people were not. Instead my uncle was there, his trench coat blowing in the wind as if he had run into the room.

"Jason." He was out of breath "Come with me" of course at first I was nervous, I'll tell you why, this wasn't that uncle you see at Sunday dinners and stuff, this was one of those uncles who was rich, and you only saw on holidays, so our relationship wasn't the best. "Uncle Mike?" I was shocked "Where is everyone? Why are you here?" I had so many thoughts rushing through my head
"I need. Your help" was all he said "I'll explain more if you come"
I nodded "Alright" I stood up, and walked to him, he led me to the school parking lot where his motorcycle was laying, all cars were gone, and there was no one in the halls. I was so confused.
He threw me a helmet "There" He pointed across the lot and there was a motorcycle I hadn't seen before.
"I just got my license" I said
"But it's legal" He argued, pointing to the bike again "Where?" I asked
"Follow me" he said, climbing on his bike and starting it.

We drove for a while and eventually came to a subway station that had been abandoned a long time ago.
He got off and ran to the Subway and I followed not far behind. We ran down the stairs and a hole appeared in the wood that blocked it off, my uncle drew a gun of his own and fired three shots back. "Open it" He told me. He would have done it himself but I was a 6'4, 17 year old who played football and basketball. I took a few steps backwards and dropped my shoulder towards the ground before running towards the wood, smashing it easily. "This isn't your time!" My uncle shouted followed by more gunshots.
"Jason!" My uncle said "Hide!"
I hid behind a pillar and found a standard police issue hand gun, I picked it up already being familiar with them and watch as my uncle ran behind a pillar beside me. "Use it" was all I heard before more shots were fired, there was a pause. I assumed the enemy was reloading, I turned the corner and dived at the direction he probably was in, hitting him and taking him to the ground. I punched him three times in the jaw, then stood up to look at him, he was shorter than me, but looked stronger than me.

He stood up and looked at me, grabbing his gun and firing two shots, I couldn't see where they hit until my ears filled with high pitched screeching. My vision began to blur and black filled my sight. I grasped out and fell to my knees. Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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