Coffee Or Tea

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I preferred tea. While you always stuck with coffee. You told me once that you loved tea too much if you were to choose between the two, it's coffee over tea any day.

I still remembered the day where we were heading back from the group discussion we had, and the weather was really toying around with us. It was really sunny one moment and the next the rain came down pouring so we had to find comfort in the cozy cafe nearby.

As I sat down trying to make sure my notes didn't get wet and organize myself, you came with a cup of your favorite coffee and a cup of tea for me.

You were never really the kind to think of others and you only let out a laugh seeing my questioning face as you sipped on your coffee. While admiring the pouring rain.

I was about to say thank you but I only sipped on my drink when you said, "Tea is sweet and coffee is bitter but on a day like this, as long as it's hot, I think it's enough to warm you up seeing how easily you get a cold."

"Plus, you have a sweet tooth, you probably would be too much of a kid to drink something this bitter." You said as you teased me yet again. Well, if you're being this sweet to me, I probably wouldn't mind having coffee instead of tea.

Oblivious ― Kim MinseokDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora