Beetee's Hunger Games

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   I hate working in the factory. Yes, I do live in District Three, and I enjoy working with inventions, but you don't get moved up to the Brain station until you're Eighteen. 

   Today was the day of the Reaping. Three was in a very good mood this year though, because Wiress Vourlem, from Three, won three years ago, and we might get lucky because of the coincidental numbers. I, personally, doubt it. I'm Beetee Lumintine, for the record. The whole country was still buzzing about last year's hunger games, when Haymitch Abernathy won. The Capitol and the districts were quite shocked with Haymitch's act of rebellion, using the force field to his advantage.

   I glanced up from my blowtorch, and saw Mayor Euda waving a green and white flag from his balcony,signalling quitting time. I reached up to wipe the sweat from my forehead, and started heading towards the door. I could see the line up for tesserae was at least a quarter mile long already, and was heavily guarded by peacekeepers. The lineup moved fast though, and before I knew it, I was at the front.

"Beetee Lumintine. Five mandatory, six tesserae." I told the peacekeeper. I started walking towards the town square, for the reaping. I strutted into the roped off area marked " 15 & 16 YEAR-OLD BOYS."

   If I looked hard enough, I could see my older sister, Maria, in the 17-18 area. I tried to find my father, but my Glasses fell off, and I had to catch them.

   That's when Wiress(this year's mentor) and Crystal Von Cree(our escort) stepped onto stage.

"Welcome, citizens of District Three!" Crystal's voice boomed into the microphone, in a forced cheery look. She started the long, boring story of how the hunger games came to be. I zoned out, and waited for her to be done.

"...And now, we must select one young man and woman, to represent District Three in the Fifty-First annual Hunger Games!" Those words snapped me into reality. Crystal reached around in the girl's bowl, and snagged a slip of paper.

"...Bonnette Eeraetin!" I glanced at a small, skinny girl stumble up onto the stage. She couldn't be more than thirteen. I could tell she had signed up for a lot of tesserae, which was most likely the reason she got picked.

"Are there any volounteers?No?" Crystal's voice rang out. The crowd was silent. Crystal started digging around in the boy's bowl. Her hand snapped up, holding a piece of paper. I only had eleven slips in there. There's no way it's me.

"Beetee Lumintine!"

Volt's Journey   (Beetee's 1st Hunger Games)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora