Act ONE - Scene One

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So this is my new project. I do realize that I have been absent from Wattpad for too long, but I hope that this version of Romeo and Juliet can make up for that.

Oh and the whole Sammy/Gregory vs. Abraham/Berty (Sampson/Gregorio vs. Abram/Balthasar) thing confuses me too, seeing as they are all on the same side, but in all the scripts they are always the ones who fight, so I think maybe the great Shakespeare made a mistake... But I'll stay true to the script (at least when it comes to characters), so it'll just have to be confusing. And also the names keep changing in the original version... (Abram/Abraham, Gregory/Gregorio and probably some other names too...)

Dedicated to the first girl on earth... Just for having the patience to practice killing me every Tuesday and various other day for the last couple of weeks and then finally bringing it to the climax in only a few days by doing it live on stage while being filmed. Oh, and for having the patience to put up with my constant hyperactivity :D raaawwwrrrr

Have fun :)



Two children, both quite alike each other, go to the same kindergarten, and that is the story you are about to hear. Their parents don't really like each other very much, but none of the kids know why. The children are the ones who have to pay for their parents quarrel. Fate brings these two children together, and their parents pull them apart. But how will they be able to maintain their friendship while at the same time pleasing their parents? What will it take for their parents to put aside their differences and let their children be children?

Scene I. The kindergarten. The Playroom. Right before it is time to get picked up.

Sammy and Gregory, who are friends of Romeo, armed with toy guns come in.


Gwegowy, if any of the Petewsons awe playing, we'we gonna stomp in theiw playthings.


Yes, 'cause if we didn't then we would be chickens.


Uh-huh! And if they stawt a fight, we'll fight back!




I'm a good fightew when I need to fight.


But you don't fight unless you have to.


One of those stupid Petewsons will make me fight quickly.


If you fight quickly, it means you're scared.


Then I'll fight quickly to fight slowly.


Fighting slowly means you don't know how to fight properly...


Stop confusing me! I'll fight all of them like a big boy!


Even the girls?


Yes. I don't cawe about cooties...

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