Chapter 3

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Leo's pov

Ughhhhhh I hate gym. I went into the locker rooms and changed into my gym clothes. I then walked out, only to bump into Nico. OMGs I hate my life! " I-iiim sorry....hehehe" I said, trying not to look stupid. " it's okay Leo " Nico said . We went to our spots and then split into partners for volleyball. I was with my good friend Jason. " bro stop being obvious with your crush!" I thought I was doing good but I guess not because when I was about to answer, my ball flew off and hit one of the mean populars! I ran as fast as I could but he still caught me. I. Hate. My. Life . I was getting punched twice every second, I was about to black out when I heard a powerful voice tell the bully to stop. I blacked out and couldn't see who saved me...........I woke up in a strange room.........

Hehehehehe I still need to plan how I want this to work out so I have to leave it here
Sorry 😂❤️

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