3, lets go

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I'm so happy I finally get to see Merida. I hope she remembers me.

I did date Astrid but it was once so I could try and move on. But she was the one who broke up with me. Not that I cared, I'm the one who made her want to break up with me.

It was hilarious.

We're almost there, to Scotland. I rode Toothless there because I don't thing people would want to take care of Toothless for me.

My dad an them left yesterday because I would have nothing to do if I went the same day cause I would get there before them.

I can see Scotland from here I'm really close. My dad told me that they would be in the castle when they arrive so I go to the forest and leave Toothless there cause I don't know where to keep him.

I leave him there and walk into the market place. My dad was right beside the entrance for the castle. I didn't take my helmet off because...well I'm not real sure why I just didn't feel like it. And Toothless probably will loose it.

I start walking in while my dad walks in front. I guess we're going to the dinning room.

I haven't been in here for over 6 years it's all kinda the same. We walk in and my father starts introducing me to them.

"May present, my son, Hiccup Haddock the III." My father says.

I could see Merida eyes light up when she heard my name.

"Uhh, son take your helmet thing off." He says whispering elbowing me.

"Oh sorry."I say taking it off.

I take my helmet off and Merida goes wide eyed.

"Hiccup you can go now, we need to talk for a little bit." The Queen said.

I walk to the next floor and wait a minute looking at the painting on the wall.

Then I heard foot steps coming up the stairs.

"Hiccup?!" A familiar voice said.

She then jumps on my back and bear hugs me from behind.

"*gasp* Hiccup your strong now!" She said.

"Well, nice to know!" I said laughing.

"You've even gotten taller than me!" She says laughing along with me.

She looks at me up and down. And then back down.

"Ahhhhh!!! Where's your leg?!" She says.

"Uhh, hard to explain." I say.

"Okay." She says still looking at it.

"Hey, want to see something?" I asked.

"Yeah, where is it?!" She asked.

"In the forest!" I say.

"What! Why in there?" She asks.

"Just come on!" I say.


We finally got here, in the middle of the stone things. I call Toothless with a call I trained him to come to when heard.

"What are you doing?" Merida asked.

"You'll see!" I say smirking.

I then hear Toothless behind me.

"Ahhhh! Hiccup look out! Behind you!!" She screams.

I turn and give Toothless the look.

He then makes a growling face at me and walks to me then when he gets to me he starts licking me.

"No! You know that doesn't wash out!" I say.

"Hiccup!! Oh my gosh you scared me! Don't do that!" She says picking me up.

"Sorry Mer." I say.

"Is he your's?" She asks.

"Yeah, he is mine. Want a ride?" I ask.

"Uhh.... sure?" She said unsure.

"Ok hop on!"I say. She gets on and wraps her arms around me.

"Oh and hold on tight!" I say.

We then sped up in the sky and she grips real tight.


So glad I finished a new part!

6 years ago-{merricup fanfiction}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora